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Virtual portal roles and their capabilities

A typical virtual portal scenario works with a master administrator and sub-administrators. Assigning access permissions to the users of virtual portals also requires special considerations.

  • The master administrator
    A key role for the administration of virtual portals is the master administrator. This user ID is created during the initial installation of HCL Digital Experience with the role administrator on the portal (admin@portal). This administrator is also the master administrator of the initial portal installation and all virtual portals that are created. This master administrator is created with all necessary access permissions for administering tasks that are related to the initial portal and the virtual portals.
  • Portal Access Control with virtual portals
    You can scope some portal resources for your virtual portals by using portal administration and Portal Access Control. For example, you can scope portlet applications. These resources are available to all virtual portals. You can scope these resources to specific virtual portals by limiting their accessibility to the user populations of the required virtual portals. To make this limit, you use Portal Access Control. Resources that you scoped this way for one virtual portal cannot be accessed from other virtual portals.
  • Sub-administrators of a virtual portal and their access roles and permissions
    When you create a virtual portal by using the Virtual Portal Manager portlet, you select a user group of sub-administrators who are responsible for the administration of the new virtual portal.
  • Users of a virtual portal and their access roles and permissions
    When you create a virtual portal, you need to be aware of the implications listed here.
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