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Configure Applications


Supported LDAP configuration

You can specify a LDAP configuration that can be used by HCL Digital Experience 9.5.

The Helm chart provides a ldap section under the configuration and core section. This section can be used to configure a none, dx or other LDAP. This defaults to none, so there is no LDAP configured.

If you adjust this to other, you can configure an external LDAP that you want to connect to. Core is then configured to use this LDAP.

Currently, the configuration capability is quite limited. For more complex configurations, use the ConfigWizard instead.

Example Configuration

You can use the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml file to adjust LDAP settings:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Core
    # Settings for LDAP configuration
      # Determines which type of LDAP to use
      # Accepts: "none", "dx" or "other"
      # "none" - no LDAP configuration
      # "dx" - use DX openLDAP and configure it
      # "other" - use provided configuration for other LDAP
      type: "none"
      # User used to connect to LDAP, only used if ldap type is "other"
      bindUser: ""
      # Password used to connect to LDAP, only used if ldap type is "other"
      bindPassword: ""
      # Suffix in LDAP, only used if ldap type is "other"
      suffix: ""
      # Host of LDAP, only used if ldap type is "other"
      host: ""
      # Port of LDAP, only used if ldap type is "other"
      # Supported LDAP Server types - CUSTOM
      serverType: "CUSTOM"
      # LDAP configuration id
      id: "dx_ldap"
      # Mapping attributes between LDAP and DX, LDAP attribute names (array of elements)
        - "mail"
        - "title"
        - "userPassword"
      # Mapping attributes between LDAP and DX, DX attribute names (array of elements)
        - "ibm-primaryEmail"
        - "ibm-jobTitle"
        - "password"
      # Non-supported LDAP attributes (array of elements)
        - "certificate"
        - "members"

Refer to the following Help Center documentation for more information about LDAP and Configuration Wizard configuration:

Authoring/Rendering configuration

You can choose if the environment you deploy is configured as a WCM authoring or rendering type. This has implications on things like caching of Core.

As default, this defaults to true. The deployment is configured as an authoring environment.

If you want to adjust this to deploy a rendering environment, you can use the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml file:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Core
    # Settings for tuning
      # Configures if the environment should be configured for authoring or not
      authoring: true

Expose IBM WebSphere Application Server Solution Console

Refer to the following code sample to configure the server and expose the port 10203, which will be placed under configuration.core.exposeConfigurationConsole:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Core
    # Defines if the configuration console for the IBM WebSphere Application Server of Core is exposed to the network
    exposeConfigurationConsole: true

When Admin Console is enabled by setting its property to true, the IBM WebSphere Application Server Solution Console becomes available on port 10203, as shown in the following example:


Admin Console can be disabled by setting the property to false.

Configuration Wizard configuration

Although the Config Wizard is started together with the Core application by default, you can set the value to 'false' to change the default behavior If configWizard is set to true, then the Configuration Wizard, IBM WebSphere Application Server Solution Console, and DXConnect are also accessible on port 10203.

If you want to adjust this setting, you can use the following syntax in your file:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Core
    # Settings for tuning
        # Configures if the server for configWizard and dxconnect is started.
      # If this is set to true, the WAS console for configWizard and dxconnect is also exposed on port 10203 at the path /ibm/console
      configWizard: true

Replacing Document Conversion Services with Apache Tika

Beginning with HCL Digital Experience release 205,Document Conversion Services, which is used by HCL Digital Experience Portal Search and HCL Digital Experience Remote Search is not distributed or supported by HCL. Oracle functionality is replaced by Apache Tika, which is included in the HCL DX CF205 and later offering. For additional information on DCS services available in CF205 and later, see the Replacement of Document Conversion Services component knowledge article.


Do not change the default configuration if you do not have a backup of the Oracle DCS files in your environment. For instructions on how to backup the DCS files in a version prior to CF205, please refer to Creating a backup of DCS files.

The settings in this section are only applied during an upgrade from one CF version to another. To run the configuration manually at any other time, please follow the following instructions to manually configure the deployment:

configureTika disableStellentDCS Result
true true Apache Tika will be used for DX Search indexing. Oracle DCS will not be used for DX Document Conversion Services.
true false Apache Tika will be used for DX Search indexing. Oracle DCS will be used for DX Document Conversion Services.
false true Oracle DCS will be used for DX Search indexing, but will not be used for DX Document Conversion Services.
false false Oracle DCS will be used for DX Search indexing and for DX Document Conversion Services.

By default, both parameters are set to true as given in the following example:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Core
    # Settings for enabling/disabling Tika
    configureTika: true 
    # Settings for enabling/disabling Stellent
    disableStellentDCS: true

OpenLDAP configuration

If you choose to deploy the OpenLDAP container in your deployment, you can change country, organization and suffix, that may be configured in OpenLDAP for use.

Use the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml file to adjust the configuration:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Open LDAP
    # Country configuration for Open LDAP
    country: "US"
    # Org configuration for Open LDAP
    org: "DX"
    # Suffix configuration for Open LDAP
    suffix: "dc=dx,dc=com"

Remote Search configuration

You can configure whether the Remote Search configuration through the IBM WebSphere Application Server Solution Console is exposed as an additional port on HAProxy or not. This defaults to true.

If set to true, you can access the Solution Console using:


Use the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml file:

# Application configuration
  # Application specific configuration for Remote Search
    # Should the configuration interface be exposed
    exposeConfigurationConsole: true