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Properties File:

Release Database Properties

  • release.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the Release domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      release.DbType=db2: WPREL



      release.DbType=oracle: WPREL

      release.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPREL

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb

      IBM DB2: WPREL

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPREL

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPREL

  • release.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      release.DbType=db2: wpreldbDS

      release.DbType=oracle: wpreldbDS

      release.DbType=sqlserver2005: wpreldbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPREL:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPREL

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:///WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPREL

  • release.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID to be used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used for the data source of this portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft SQL Server: The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • release.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • release.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the release.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      release.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASCFG

      release.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASCFG

      Otherwise: WP\_BASE\_CONFIG\_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the release.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      release.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASRT

      release.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASRT

      Otherwise: WP\_BASE\_RUNTIME\_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • release.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • release.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K index buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.TablespaceTrackMod

    • Description

      Specifies whether DB2 for z/OS tracks modified pages in the space map pages of the table spaces for this portal database domain. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option TRACKMOD.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • release.TablespaceDefine

    • Description

      Specifies when the underlying data sets for the table spaces of this portal database domain are physically created. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option DEFINE.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Community Database Properties

  • community.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the Community domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      community.DbType=db2: WPCOMM



      community.DbType=oracle: WPCOMM

      community.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPCOMM

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb


      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPCOMM

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPCOMM

  • community.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      community.DbType=db2: wpcommdbDS

      community.DbType=oracle: wpcommdbDS

      community.DbType=sqlserver2005: wpcommdbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPCOMM:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPCOMM

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:///WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPCOMM

  • community.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID to be used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used for the data source of this portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft SQL Server: The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • community.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • community.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the community.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      community.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASCFG

      community.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASCFG

      Otherwise: WP_BASE_CONFIG_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the community.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      community.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASRT

      community.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASRT

      Otherwise: WP_BASE_RUNTIME_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • community.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • community.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K index buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.TablespaceTrackMod

    • Description

      Specifies whether DB2 for z/OS tracks modified pages in the space map pages of the table spaces for this portal database domain. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option TRACKMOD.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • community.TablespaceDefine

    • Description

      Specifies when the underlying data sets for the table spaces of this portal database domain are physically created. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option DEFINE.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Customization Database Properties

  • customization.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the Customization domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      customization.DbType=db2: WPCUST



      customization.DbType=oracle: WPCUST

      customization.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPCUST

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb


      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPCUST

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPCUST

  • customization.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      customization.DbType=db2_iseries: customiz

      Otherwise: customization

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      customization.DbType=db2: wpcustdbDS

      customization.DbType=oracle: wpcustdbDS

      customization.DbType=sqlserver2005: wpcustdbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPCUST:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPCUST

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:///WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPCUST

  • customization.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID to be used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used for the data source of this portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft SQL Server: The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • customization.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • customization.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the customization.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      customization.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASCFG

      customization.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASCFG

      Otherwise: WP_BASE_CONFIG_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the customization.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      customization.DbType=db2_iseries: WPBASRT

      customization.DbType=db2_zos: WPBASRT

      Otherwise: WP_BASE_RUNTIME_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • customization.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K index buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.TablespaceTrackMod

    • Description

      Specifies whether DB2 for z/OS tracks modified pages in the space map pages of the table spaces for this portal database domain. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option TRACKMOD.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • customization.TablespaceDefine

    • Description

      Specifies when the underlying data sets for the table spaces of this portal database domain are physically created. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option DEFINE.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

JCR Database Properties

  • jcr.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the JCR domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      jcr.DbType=db2: WPJCR



      jcr.DbType=oracle: WPJCR

      jcr.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPJCR

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb

      IBM DB2: WPJCR

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPJCR

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPJCR

  • jcr.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      jcr.DbType=db2: wpjcrdbDS

      jcr.DbType=oracle: wpjcrdbDS

      jcr.DbType=sqlserver2005: wpjcrdbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPJCR:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPJCR

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:///WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPJCR

  • jcr.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID to be used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used for the data source of this portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft SQL Server: The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • jcr.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • jcr.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the jcr.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      jcr.DbType=db2_iseries: WPJCRCFG

      jcr.DbType=db2_zos: WPJCRCFG

      Otherwise: WP_JCR_CONFIG_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the jcr.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      release.DbType=db2_iseries: WPJCRRT

      release.DbType=db2_zos: WPJCRRT

      Otherwise: WP_JCR_RUNTIME_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbHost

    • Description

      The host name of the remote system that hosts the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database (DB2 for z/OS only).

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • jcr.DbDomain

    • Description

      The domain (not including the host name) of the remote system that hosts the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database (DB2 for z/OS only).

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

  • jcr.DbPort

    • Description

      The port number of the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database on the remote system (DB2 for z/OS only).

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • jcr.ZosDbPrefix

    • Description

      The common prefix of Node Type database names for DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition (DB2 for z/OS only).

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.ZosDbMaxTables

    • Description

      The maximum number of user-defined tables to be stored in a particular Node Type database in the DB2 Content Manager Runtime Edition database (DB2 for z/OS only).

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • jcr.DbIndex4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K index buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.TablespaceTrackMod

    • Description

      Specifies whether DB2 for z/OS tracks modified pages in the space map pages of the table spaces for this portal database domain. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option TRACKMOD.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • jcr.TablespaceDefine

    • Description

      Specifies when the underlying data sets for the table spaces of this portal database domain are physically created. Before you change this value, see the DB2 for z/OS documentation to learn more about the option DEFINE.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

JCR Properties

The following properties are required to configure the JCR.

  • jcr.blobBufferpool

    • Description

      Required only for IBM DB2 for z/OS and OS/390. The name of the bufferpool in which the BLOB tablespaces is created. If it is not specified, then the default value specified in the database is used.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

Personalization Feedback Database Properties

  • feedback.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the Feedback domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • InitializeFeedbackDB

    • Description

      Specify how to handle the Feedback database during database transfer from Derby.

    • Valid values



    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      feedback.DbType=db2: WPFDBK



      feedback.DbType=oracle: WPFDBK

      feedback.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPFDBK

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb


      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPFDBK

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPFDBK

  • feedback.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      feedback.DbType=db2: wpfdbkdbDS

      feedback.DbType=oracle: wpfdbkdbDS

      feedback.DbType=sqlserver2005: wpfdbkdbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPFDBK:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPFDBK

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:/WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPFDBK

  • feedback.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password must comply with the database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft: SQL Server The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • feedback.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server 2008: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

      Microsoft SQL Server 2005: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • feedback.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the feedback.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      feedback.DbType=db2_iseries: WPPZNCFG

      feedback.DbType=db2_zos: WPPZNCFG

      Otherwise: WP_PZN_CONFIG_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the feedback.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      feedback.DbType=db2_iseries: WPPZNRT

      feedback.DbType=db2_zos: WPPZNRT

      Otherwise: WP_PZN_RUNTIME_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbHostName

    • Description

      Required for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 only. The host name of the Feedback database.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • feedback.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • feedback.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

LikeMinds Database Properties

  • likeminds.DbType

    • Description

      Database management software to use for the LikeMinds domain.

    • Valid values







    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbName

    • Description

      The name of the database (location name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem) to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties schema name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value

      likeminds.DbType=db2: WPLM



      likeminds.DbType=oracle: WPLM

      likeminds.DbType=sqlserver2005: WPLM

      Otherwise: wpsdb

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: wpsdb

      IBM DB2: WPLM

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 driver: /WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 driver: \*LOCAL/WPSDB

      DB2 for z/OS:

      Oracle Database: WPLM

      Microsoft SQL Server: WPLM

  • likeminds.DbSchema

    • Description

      The name to be used to qualify database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and JDBC database URL must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbNameOnZos

    • Description

      The name of the database to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DataSourceName

    • Description

      The name of the data source to be used for this portal database domain. It must comply with the WebSphere Application Server requirements. You cannot use the reserved names releaseDS, communityDS, customizationDS, jcrDS, lmdbDS, and feedback. You can use the same name for all portal database domains that are sharing user ID, password, and JDBC database URL.

    • Default value

      likeminds.DbType=db2: wplmdbDS

      likeminds.DbType=oracle: wplmdbDS

      likeminds.DbType=sqlserver2005: wplmdbDS

      Otherwise: wpdbDS

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL to be used to connect with the database of this portal database domain. It must comply with your JDBC Driver software requirements. This property that is combined with the properties database name and schema name must be unique for the portal database domains release, community, customization, and JCR.

    • Default value






      Otherwise: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

    • Examples

      Apache Derby: jdbc:derby:wpsdb;create=true

      IBM DB2 with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:50000/WPLM:returnAlias=0;

      IBM DB2 with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:WPLM

      IBM DB2 for i with type 4 drivers: jdbc:as400:/WPSDB;metadata source=1;prompt=false

      IBM DB2 for i with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:\*LOCAL/WPSDB

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 4 drivers: jdbc:db2://:/

      IBM DB2 for z/OS with type 2 drivers: jdbc:db2:

      Oracle Database with type 4 drivers and thin client: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//:1521/

      Oracle Database with type 2 drivers and thick client: jdbc:oracle:oci:@//:1521/

      Microsoft SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433;SelectMethod=cursor;DatabaseName=WPLM

  • likeminds.DbUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used to configure the database objects of this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It is also used by the data source to connect with the database, unless you specify a runtime database user. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbRuntimeUser

    • Description

      The database user ID used for the data source of the portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. It has fewer permissions than the configuration database user (DbUser) that is used when you leave this blank.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbRuntimePassword

    • Description

      The password of the database user ID used for the data source of this portal database domain to connect with the database during day-to-day operations. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DBA.DbUser

    • Description

      The database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DBA.DbPassword

    • Description

      The password of the database administration user ID used for privileged database operations during database creation and setup for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. The ConfigEngine cannot validate that the password complies with the software requirements.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbHome

    • Description

      Oracle Database: The location on the Oracle database server where table spaces for this portal database domain must be created.

      Microsoft: SQL Server The location on the SQL Server database server where the database files for this portal database domain must be created.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Oracle Database: /product/11.2.0/dbhome\_1

      Microsoft SQL Server: C:\\\\Microsoft SQL Server\\\\\\\\MSSQL

  • likeminds.AdminUrl

    • Description

      The JDBC database URL used to connect with the SQL Server that contains the database for this portal database domain. It is used for database administration operations. It is the same value that is used for the JDBC database URL, but with the database name omitted.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples

      Microsoft SQL Server 2008: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

      Microsoft SQL Server 2005: jdbc:sqlserver://:1433

  • likeminds.DbConfigRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that includes the database permissions that are required by the configuration database user. The configuration database user configures the database objects of this portal database domain. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The configuration database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the likeminds.DbUser ID.

    • Default value

      likeminds.DbType=db2_iseries: WPPZNCFG

      likeminds.DbType=db2_zos: WPPZNCFG

      Otherwise: WP_PZN_CONFIG_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbRuntimeRoleName

    • Description

      The name of the role or group for this portal database domain that has the database permissions that are required by the runtime database user during day-to-day operations. The role or group must comply with your database management software requirements. The runtime database user must be a member of this role or group. If this role or group does not exist, create it and assign it to the likeminds.DbRuntimeUser ID.

    • Default value

      likeminds.DbType=db2_iseries: WPPZNRT

      likeminds.DbType=db2_zos: WPPZNRT

      Otherwise: WP_PZN_RUNTIME_USERS

    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.XDbName

    • Description

      The database alias used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that runs on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Also required for IBM DB2 that runs on a Microsoft Windows operating system that uses type 2 JDBC drivers and is running on the same server as HCL Portal.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbNode

    • Description

      The name of the database node that is used to create the database for this portal database domain. It must comply with your database management software requirements. Required for IBM DB2 that run on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbHostName

    • Description

      Required for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 only. The host name of the LikeMinds database.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbStorageGroup

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS storage group to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbVolumes

    • Description

      Defines the volumes of the DB2 for z/OS storage group used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.DbVcat

    • Description

      Identifies the integrated catalog facility catalog (VCAT) for the DB2 for z/OS storage group that is used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value

      No default value

    • Examples


  • likeminds.Db4KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 4 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available

  • likeminds.Db32KBufferPoolName

    • Description

      The name of the DB2 for z/OS 32 K buffer pool to be used for this portal database domain.

    • Default value


    • Examples

      None available