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Managing Portal Scripting Interface in your cluster

The Portal Scripting Interface enables the creation of administrative tasks that administrators can run from a command line. You must prepare your cluster to manage Portal Scripting Interface.

  1. Complete the following steps before you use the Portal Scripting Interface for the first time:

    1. Verify that the wp.wire.jar file is present in the AppServer_root/lib directory on the deployment manager workstation.

    2. If the file is not present, copy the file from the AppServer_root/lib directory on any HCL Portal node to the AppServer_root/lib directory on the deployment manager workstation.

    3. Restart the deployment manager.

  2. Run the following task to connect the scripting client to the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment SOAP port:


    • ND SOAP Port is the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment workstation's SOAP connector-address.

      To find the SOAP port, on the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console, clickSystem administration > Deployment Manager > Ports > SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS.

      For example, if you are running wpscript on a workstation that is part of a cell that is managed by a deployment manager, the SOAP port might be 8881.

    • user is the WebSphere Application Server administrative user name.

    • password is the administrative user password.
    Operating system Task
    Windows™ wpscript.bat -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password
    AIX®, Linux™ ./ -port ND SOAP Port -user user -password password