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Analytics tags and site promotions

To obtain further analytics information from your portal, you can use analytics tags for your portal resources. You can also use analytics tags for site promotions.

  • Analytics tags
    You can obtain specific analytics information from your portal by using analytics tags for your portal resources. You might want to know which types of users visit your portal site most frequently, for example by age group or other characteristics. If you want to address mostly young professionals, you can create an analytics tag targetAudience:youngProfessionals ; you can then associate the tag with all resources that contain content for this target user group. By looking at the visits on these pages you can determine whether the main user group of your portal site is young and new in their job.
  • Site promotions
    You can use analytics tags to set up site promotions. A site promotion is part of a marketing campaign that has the objective to introduce a new product, service, or event, or better position an existing one. A marketing campaign can consist of mailings, posters, banners, articles, games or other web content. In HCL Digital Experience, a site promotion covers the web content part of the marketing campaign. For example, a site promotion named "Christmas 2011" can reference pictures, blogs, and gift-shops on a website.
  • Security for analytics tags and site promotions
    Security for analytics tags allows you to administer which users can view, create, or assign analytic tags, including site promotions. The portal provides a virtual resource for site promotions and roles on this virtual resource.
  • Using the XML configuration interface to administer analytics tags
    You can use the XML configuration interface to manage analytics tags and site promotions in the portal.