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Parameters to customize the release

You can use these parameters to customize the build-initial-release-paa task when you are creating the initial or differential release.

  • previousPAA

    Points to a previous PAA file, which is used to create an updated PAA file.

  • sharedAppResourcesRootDir

    The directory for shared application resources that are added to the PAA file.

  • sharedExtResourcesRootDir

    The directory for the shared/ext resources that are added to the PAA file.

  • appsToExtract

    A comma-separated list of applications to extract from the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server and add to the PAA file.

  • exportWebDavTheme

    When set to true, this parameter adds WebDAV theme resources to the PAA file.

  • exportREP

    When set to true, this parameter adds Resource Environment Provider custom properties to the PAA file. Its default is true.

  • versionPAA

    Set to the version number of the PAA file that you created. The default is 1.

  • minorVersionPAA

    Set to the minor version number of the PAA file that you created. The default is 0.

  • destPAADir

    Writes PAA files to the directory you specify. The default is the system temporary directory.

  • exportUniquePortalPAA

    Set to true to export the unique portal resource to the base of the virtual portal. The default is true.

  • exportSharedPortalPAA

    Set to true to export the shared resource from the base portal. The default is true.

  • exportPortalSiteLib

    Set to true to export the Portal site library that is used by the managed pages feature. The default is true if managed pages is turned on.

  • exportManagedPages

    Set to true to export managed pages with XMLAccess. The default is false if managed pages is turned on and true if managed pages is turned off.

  • exportPAAUrlMappings

    Set to true to include URL mappings in the PAA file. The default is true.

  • exportWcmData

    Set to true to include HCL Web Content Manager content in the PAA file. The default is false.

    Important: Use the exportWcmData parameter only for the initial release. Use syndication for your Web Content Manager differential content.

  • javaoption

    Add this parameter if you are staging a large set of data. For example, add this string to your command: -javaoption -Xmx2048M. Depending on your system and the amount of data, the -Xmx value might be higher. Use 2048 Mb as a starting value.

Related information
Staging a virtual portal overview
Creating the differential release