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Managing virtual portals

This topic describes the commands that are used in managing the virtual portal activities such as creating, listing, importing, or exporting virtual portals.

Virtual Portal commands

  • Command description

    The manage-virtual-portal command is used to manage virtual portal tasks such as create, list, export, and import in the DX server.

    dxclient manage-virtual-portal
  • Help command

    The following commands shows the help document on the manage-virtual-portal command:

    • Help command for creating virtual portals:

      dxclient manage-virtual-portal create -h
    • Help command for listing virtual portals:

      dxclient manage-virtual-portal list -h
    • Help command for importing virtual portals:

      dxclient manage-virtual-portal import -h
    • Help command for exporting virtual portals:

      dxclient manage-virtual-portal export -h 
  • Subcommands

    • Create virtual portal task in the DX server:

      manage-virtual-portal create [OPTIONS]
    • List virtual portal task in the DX server:

      manage-virtual-portal list [OPTIONS]
    • Import virtual portal task in the DX server:

      manage-virtual-portal import [OPTIONS]
    • Export virtual portal task in the DX server:

      manage-virtual-portal export [OPTIONS]
    • Use this attribute and retrigger the command to check the status of any previous request that was incomplete.

      -requestId <Unique ID of a previously triggered create virtual portal request>
  • Required Commands

    • manage-virtual-portal create command:

      Use this parameter to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxUsername <value> 

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxPassword <value>

      Use this attribute to specify the hostname of the target DX server:

      -hostname <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the port number of the cw_profile (e.g. for Kubernetes Environment dxConnectPort is 443):

      -dxConnectPort <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the username that is required for authenticating to the cw_profile:

      -dxConnectUsername <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating to the cw_profile:

      -dxConnectPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the profile name of the DX core server:

      -dxProfileName <Profile name of the DX core server> 

      Use this parameter to specify the username of the DX WAS server:

      -dxWASUsername <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the password of the DX WAS server:

      -dxWASPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Title:

      -vpTitle <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Realm:

      -vpRealm <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal AdminGroup:

      -vpAdminGroup <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal HostName:

      -vpHostname <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Context:

      -vpContext <value>


      Create virtual portal task creates an empty virtual portal in the DX server.


      dxclient manage-virtual-portal create -hostname <hostname> -dxConnectPort <dxConnectPort> -dxConnectUsername <dxConnectUsername> -dxConnectPassword <dxConnectPassword> -dxProfileName <Profile name of the DX Server> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -dxWASUsername < Username of the DX WAS server> -dxWASPassword <Password of the DX WAS server> -vpTitle <virtual-portal-Title> -vpRealm <virtual-portal-realm>  -vpAdminGroup <virtual-portal-adminGroup> -vpHostname <virtual-portal-hostname> -vpContext<virtual-portal-context>
    • manage-virtual-portal list command

      Use this parameter to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxUsername <value> 

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the port number of the cw_profile (e.g. for Kubernetes Environment dxConnectPort is 443):

      -dxConnectPort <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the username that is required for authenticating to the cw_profile:

      -dxConnectUsername <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating to the cw_profile:

      -dxConnectPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the profile name of the DX core server:

      -dxProfileName <Profile name of the DX core server> 

      Use this parameter to specify the username of the DX WAS server:

      -dxWASUsername <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the password of the DX WAS server:

      -dxWASPassword <value>


      dxclient manage-virtual-portal list -hostname <hostname> -dxConnectPort <dxConnectPort> -dxConnectUsername <dxConnectUsername> -dxConnectPassword <dxConnectPassword> -dxProfileName <profile-name-of-the-DX-server> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -dxWASUsername <username-of-the-DX-WAS-server> -dxWASPassword <password-of-the-DX-WAS-server> 
    • manage-virtual-portal import command:

      Use this parameter to specify the protocol with which to connect to the server:

      -dxProtocol <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the username that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxUsername <value> 

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the port on which to connect to the server (e.g. for Kubernetes Environment dxPort is 443):

      -dxPort <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the path to DX configuration endpoint (for example: /wps/config):

      -xmlConfigPath <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the XML file name with absolute path of the input file:

      -xmlFile <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Context:

      -vpContext <value>


      dxclient manage-virtual-portal import -dxProtocol <http/https> -hostname <host-name> -dxPort <dxPort> -xmlConfigPath <xmlConfigPath> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword>  -xmlFile <xml-file-with-path> -vpContext <virtual-portal-context>
    • manage-virtual-portal export command:

      Use this parameter to specify the protocol with which to connect to the server:

      -dxProtocol <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the user name that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxUsername <value> 

      Use this parameter to specify the password that is required for authenticating with the server:

      -dxPassword <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the port on which to connect to the server (e.g. for Kubernetes Environment dxPort is 443):

      -dxPort <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the path to DX configuration endpoint (for example: /wps/config):

      -xmlConfigPath <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Context:

      -vpContext <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the virtual portal Title:

      -vpTitle <value>

      Use this parameter to specify the XML file name with absolute path of the input file to export the virtual portal content:

      -xmlFile <value>


      dxclient manage-virtual-portal export -hostname <hostname> -dxProtocol <dxProtocol> -dxPort <dxPort> -dxUsername <dxUsername> -dxPassword <dxPassword> -vpTitle <vpTitle> -vpContext <vpContext> -xmlFile <xml-file-with-path>

    Log files from running the command can be found in the logs directory of the DXClient installation.

Limitations & Troubleshooting

  1. The attribute -dxConnectHostname is deprecated in CF202 and later releases. It is recommended that you start using the replacement parameter -hostname starting from CF202 wherever necessary.
  2. Currently, export & import virtual portal feature supports only vpContext and does not support vpHostname. Support for Virtual portal with hostname might be added in the future release.