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HCL Connections

HCL Connections portlets give the HCL Digital Experience users access to more collaboration and social networking features such as activities, blogs, and bookmarks.

  • Configure HCL Portal to work with HCL Connections
    Integrate the power of HCL Connections with HCL Portal application.
  • Import SSL certificate to set up trust association
    To prevent security alert pop-up windows, add HCL Connections certificates to your portal server. The signer certificate that is used by the HCL Connections server must be trusted by the portal server. The instructions for deploying the HCL Connections portlets include a procedure to import the SSL certificate. If you did not complete that procedure, you must import the certificate to use community pages. For best results, follow the procedures that are provided in the HCL Connections documentation.
  • Configuring HCL Connections features
    Configure the features that site visitors need to use from your portal site.
  • Configuring community pages
    Configure how you want community pages access to work in your portal site. For example you can configure community pages to automatically grant access to the page, how many child pages affected by community associations, and more.
  • Managing community pages
    Community associations associate a portal page with a community in HCL Connections.
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