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Configuring HCL Connections features

Configure the features that site visitors need to use from your portal site.

  • Integrating HCL Connections profile
    You can enable the HCL Connections profile in HCL Portal so that users can view HCL Connections business card information and link to features such as communities, blogs, and activities.
  • Integrating HCL Connections tags
    You can integrate tags from HCL Connections into the HCL Digital Experience tag cloud. The HCL Connections portlets are required to get full function.
  • Integrating HCL Connections files
    To integrate files with your portal, register the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) entry points with the WP FederatedDocumentsService resource environment provider. After this configuration is complete, content authors insert links to documents hosted on the HCL Connections server. Using personalization, authors can also render inventories of folders that are hosted in files.