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Script Application Limitations

Learn about limitations to the Script Application.

  • Setting portlet preferences in edit mode is not supported

    Portlet preferences are stored based on the current mode of the portlet when the preferences API is accessed. The Script Application is based on the Web Content Viewer portlet. The Web Content Viewer portlet does not support an EDIT mode of the portlet. It supports only CONFIG and EDIT_DEFAULTS mode. Therefore, it is not feasible to store per-user (EDIT mode) preferences for the Web Content Viewer or Script Application portlets.

  • Preview window

    Applications that run in the Preview window are rendered in servlet mode and not as portlets. Therefore, the applications do not have access to theme module shared resources such as JavaScript libraries like jQuery or Dojo and the Script Portlet preferences is not available.

  • ASCII character file names

    Script Application archives must contain file names with only standard, single-byte ASCII characters in their file names. You cannot use UTF-8 or non-ASCII characters in a file name.

  • Edit and Import features cannot be started for Script Application instances added to pages with the Lightweight profile.

    If you add the Script Application to pages for which you selected the Lightweight profile, you cannot start the portal dialog to use the Edit and Import features. Script Application instances that you created and edited on pages with profiles other than the Lightweight profile or elsewhere can be added to Lightweight profile pages from the Script Applications for runtime use.

  • Cursor focus limitations with some browser versions when the Script Application Editor starts

    If you use the most recent versions of the supported browsers and you start the Script Application Editor, focus is normally in the HTML editor pane. The cursor flashes, and the HTML editor pane is ready to accept typed text. However, the following limitations apply:

  • Internet Explorer 10

    With Internet Explorer 10, issues can occur with the way the editor sets focus into the HTML editor pane. This issue can prevent you from typing text immediately after you start the editor. To work around the problem, you have two options:
    • Upgrade your browser to the most recent version. This option is the best practice option.
    • If you want to keep your browser version, select the HTML tab and then the HTML editor pane. The cursor starts to flash. You can now type text in the pane.
    • Opera

      Opera can have the following intermittent issue: When you start the Script Application Editor, the cursor appears in the HTML editor pane, but the browser focus is not fully set into that pane. As a result, the cursor does not flash, and the first character that you type sets the focus rather than be accepted as that character. Example:- If you type ABC, the A keystroke might trigger the focus to be set in the HTML editor pane, and the editor shows only BC as your typed input. This issue can occur more frequently, if you start typing text fast immediately after the editor starts. To work around the problem, select the HTML editor pane with the mouse before you start typing, or retype the first character.

  • The Script Application Editor is not fully accessible, but impaired users have good alternative options.

    Users who require accessible Script Application editing capabilities can use their preferred external accessible editors to develop and maintain the HTML, JS, and CSS artifacts locally. They can then publish the resulting applications to a site area in a Web Content Manager library for use as Script Application instances. To publish and update externally developed single page applications to a Web Content Manager library, they can use a command line utility that Script Application provides. They can use it from the command line or from build automation scripts. For more information about the Script Application command line interface, read Script Application command line application overview. Alternatively, for quick simple edits by using a browser, the Web Content Manager authoring portlet provides an accessible alternative experience to the Script Application browser-based editor. When a user puts a portal page in edit mode and tabs to a Script Application window, the portal shows a separate Accessible Editor option. When the user clicks Accessible Editor, the portal starts the Web Content Manager authoring portlet to edit that Script Application instance.