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Delivery Portal Account Management

Checking your Entitlements

This section allows you to view the software entitlements and associated maintenance for your organization.

To check your entitlements, hover on Activation & Entitlements, and then click on List Entitlements.

List entitlements

From the List Entitlements page, you can have an overview of the entitlements your organization has. You also have the option to export all or selected entitlements into a spreadsheet.

You can open each entitlement by clicking the Activation ID links and view more details such as the ID, Product, and Activation Info. Make sure the Product name, quantity, and expiration date are correct. If you have a maintenance for an entitlement, check the Expiration Date under the Maintenance Info instead.

Adding Users

This section allows you to expand the list of people who have access to the License portal for viewing the license or downloading software for your organization.

From the HCL License & Delivery Portal, use the navigation banner and click on Accounts & Users and then List Users.

List users

On the Users page under Actions, click on Create User.

Create user

Fill in new user details and select desired roles:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email ID
  • Portal User Role - Allows user to download software
  • Portal Admin User Role - Provides capability to add new user

New user details

Click on Save. A welcome letter will be automatically sent to the user.

If you are not the License Manager but you need to have access to the portal, you can reach out to your company's License Manager to get you added.

Searching Products

To perform a search, hover on Downloads tab and then click on Search Downloads.

Search downloads

In the search page, you have 3 options to help with the search.

Search options

Search for

  • Allows you to search packages or files by keyword.
  • If you do not get results using your keyword, try surrounding your keyword with asterisks. For example, if you are searching for CF205, try searching for CF205.
  • The search works like regular expressions so you want to type your keywords in the order that it would appear in the file name or description.

Show results for:

  • Choose between Download packages or Files.
  • Download packages: The packages containing the file names found during the search are listed.
  • Files: The files names found during search are listed. You may get multiple results for the same file name if the file is included in multiple different packages.

Sort by

  • Sort results by relevance to the search keyword(s) or by date the files are uploaded.
  • Relevance: Useful when you want to display the most relevant results at the top of the list (RECOMMENDED).
  • Date: Useful when you are looking for the most recent release.