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Editing page items

Pages are created by using the Portal toolbar. If Managed Pages is enabled, a page item is created each time that a page is created in the portal. Pages cannot be created by using the authoring portlet, but you can use the authoring portlet to edit some properties of a page item.

  1. Defining page item properties
    Select default content for a page item and create template mappings.
  2. Adding elements to an item
    You add elements to site areas, content items, page items, and authoring templates to store web content specific to those items.
  3. Entering item properties
    Specify properties for the current item, including the location of the item and the list of authors and owners that are associated with the item. The item properties section is common to all item forms.
  4. Granting users or groups access to an item
    Specify the access control settings for the current item to designate which users have access to an item and their level of access. The access section is common to all item forms.