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Defining page item properties

Select default content for a page item and create template mappings.

  1. To select the default content item to display when a link to this page item is clicked, click Select Default Content.

    • Select a content item and then click OK.
  2. Define template mappings for the page. A portal page can be associated with an authoring template, which defines the type of web content that is displayed on the page. In addition, an authoring template to presentation template mapping can be selected, which determines the presentation of the children of the portal page.

    1. Click Add to create a template mapping.

      • Click Add to create a template map.

        • Select one authoring template and then click Next to select a presentation template, or click Finish if a presentation template is not required.
        • If you clicked Next, select a presentation template, or click Finish if a presentation template is not required. Click None to clear any selected presentation templates.
      • To edit an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Edit.

        • Edit the template map as needed. Click None to clear any selected presentation templates. Then click Finish.
      • To remove an existing template map, select a template map from the index and then click Remove.

    2. To edit an existing template mapping, select a template mapping from the index and then click Edit.

    3. To remove an existing template mapping, select a template mapping from the index and then click Remove.