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Tags are used in your markup to reference content that is stored or generated by elements, or to display metadata from different items.

To create a web content tag, click Insert Tag from a rich text editor, a presentation template, or an element design field. The Tag Helper dialog opens.

A full list of web content tags and their parameters are documented here: Creating web content tags.

  • Web content tag syntax
    These examples describe how to write web content tags, their syntax, and valid abbreviations and shortcuts.
  • Indenting element designs
    You use an indent tag to format element designs that require results to be indented.
  • Writing links to web content
    Links to content items can be written as URLs.
  • Contextual linking
    Contextual linking is used in systems where content from one site is shared across multiple sites. When content is linked into a site, embedded links (link elements and links in HTML) reference the site the original content item is in. Contextual linking is used so that when content is linked from another site, the link is rendered relative to the current site if possible.
  • Custom caching
    You can overrule the default caching parameters of a site by using "cache" and "expire" parameters in URLs and HCL Web Content Manager tags.