Set up access to libraries

You have a number of ways to grant and restrict access to libraries. There are five content user roles: User, Contributor, Editor, Manager, and Administrator. Each role has specific access rights. You can associate individual users or groups of users with a role. There are three levels that you can assign access to: library, item type per library, and item level.

There are two approaches for granting access: additive and subtractive.

  • Additive approach

    Using this approach you give broad, but limited access. Then, you add access. Edit the Contributor role and add All Authenticated Portal Users to the Contributor role. As a result all users that log in to the portal can see the library and authoring portlets configured for the library. Then, you add additional access for the Editor, Manager, and Administrator roles. To add the access, you go Library Resources, edit resources, and add additional access for Editors, Managers, and Administrators as needed.

  • Subtractive approach

    Using this approach, you give broad access. Then, you remove access.

Configure access and roles by using the Administration portlets.

  1. Access the administration user interface.
  2. Click the Administration menu icon in the toolbar.

  3. Click Portal Content > Web Content Libraries.

  4. Set up library access permissions.

  5. Find the library that you want to configure, such as Web Content.

  6. Click the key icon to open the Resource Permission panel.

  7. For illustration, this procedure uses the additive approach. Find Contributor in the list and click the pencil icon to edit the role.

  8. Add all authenticated portal users. All logged in visitors can see the authoring portlet and library.

  9. From this point, edit the Editor, Manager, and Administrator roles. Add specific users or user groups that you want to be able to edit and publish content.

  10. Set up access permissions for specific items.

  11. You can define permissions for library items, such as workflows, content, templates, and so on.

  12. Select a library and click the library resources icon.

  13. Configure items as needed.