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Configure web content authoring environment

Set up the authoring environment by installing the authoring portlet and enabling other features that are required to support the authoring environment.

  • How to install the authoring portlet
    Pages that include the Web Content Manager authoring portlet and the local rendering portlet are created when you install HCL Portal. You run the authoring portlet configuration task only if you have previously uninstalled your authoring or local rendering portlets. The authoring portlet configuration task automatically creates Web Content Manager pages and installs the authoring portlet and local rendering portlets.
  • Further authoring portlet configuration options
    Further authoring portlet configuration options can be specified by using the portlet administration view.
  • Web content authoring options
    You can tailor the authoring behavior of your web content environment by changing configuration settings such as workflow, profiling, and version control.
  • Rich text editor toolbar configuration options
    Run these configuration tasks to change the configuration of the rich text editor toolbar.
  • How to configure authoring portlet search
    You can change the configuration of the authoring portlet to change how search works.
  • Importing large files and images
    Because importing large files into HCL Web Content Manager can have a negative impact on performance, you can adjust several settings to ensure better performance when importing files.
  • Increase timeouts to prevent save errors
    If users are experiencing timeout errors when they try to save items, you can increase the total transaction lifetime timeout setting of your HCL Portal server.
  • Configuring remote server access for links
    Before you can add links to files and documents that are stored in remote content management systems into web content elements, you must configure your server with information about the remote system and the settings that are used to handle communication with the system.
  • Setting up support for federated documents
    Before you can access metadata from federated documents, you need to configure access to the remote servers that contain the documents and specify information about the feeds or service documents that are used to retrieve the documents. You can also tune the cache settings that are used with the federated documents feature.
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