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How to configure authoring portlet search

You can change the configuration of the authoring portlet to change how search works.

You define and manage authoring portlet search options in the WCM WCMConfigService service by using the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.

You can specify the following properties:

  • wcm.authoringui.advancedsearch.searchonselection

    • Possible values are true or false.
    • If set to true, when you click Advanced Search, an advanced search is automatically run based on any text that is entered in the basic search. If nothing is entered in the basic search, advanced search is not automatically run.
    • If set to false, advanced search is not automatically run if there is existing text in the basic search field.
    • If the property is not specified, this setting defaults to the false behavior.
  • wcm.authoringui.simplesearch.addstar

    • Possible values are true or false.
    • If set to true, a wildcard character is added to the end of text that is entered in the basic search. For example, searching for Span automatically searches for Span* and displays search results that have a title, description or keywords that begin with the word Span such as Spanish.
    • If set to false, only exact matches to the text entered in the basic search field are searched for.
    • If the property is not specified, this setting defaults to the false behavior.
  • wcm.authoringui.advancedsearch.addstar

    • Possible values are true or false.
    • If set to true, a wildcard character is added to the end of text that is entered in the advanced search. For example, searching for Span automatically searches for Span* and displays search results that have a title, description or keywords that begin with the word Span such as Spanish.
    • If set to false, only exact matches to the text entered in the advanced search field are searched for.
    • If the property is not specified, this setting defaults to the false behavior.
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