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Delivering web content

HCL DX has a highly configurable system for delivering web content. This includes both headless content delivery to other clients like mobile apps and direct rendering of websites via HCL DX. More information about how to use HCL DX to build websites is given in the Build Sites section.

What is it For?

The type of delivery method you use to deliver web content to your viewers depend on the type of content that is being delivered, and the type of viewers your website is intended for. This section describes the options for that.

Who Should Use It?

This information is primarily aimed at system administrators and application developers who would must configure web content delivery.

More Information

The type of delivery method you use to deliver web content to your viewers depend on the type of content that is being delivered, and the type of viewers your website is intended for.

- ...
- Web Content User Assistance: wcm_user_assistance
- Web Content Inline Editing: wcm_inline_editing
- Vanity URLs: vanity_url
- Syndication: syndication
- Multilingual Solution: mls
- WebDAV: webdav
- Content as a Service Pages: content_as_a_service
- Previewing as Another User: preview_another_user
- Social Media Publisher: socialmedia_publisher
  • Delivering web content via HCL DX
    Using tools like Web Content Viewer Portlets, content associations, and web content page templates, you can build portal pages and display web content. You can also combine web content with other portlet-based content. Content associations tie viewers and portal pages to the site structure of your web content libraries.
  • Access web content by using a servlet
    Users can access content that is displayed by using the Web Content Manager servlet by connecting to a URL. A servlet delivered website is used when you don't need to use any HCL Portal based features such as authoring tools.
  • Pre-rendered delivery
    You can pre-render a complete HCL Web Content Manager site into HTML and save it to disk. The pre-rendered site can then be used as your live site and displayed to users that use either Web Content Manager or a web server. You deploy a pre-rendered site when you are not using any HCL Portal features and your content is static and is only updated periodically.
  • Rendering modes for web content
    Different presentation templates are created to render web content in different modes to display content in different contexts, such as a web content viewer portlet, or mobile devices.

HCLSoftware U learning materials

For an introduction and a demo on the development aspects of web content management, go to Web Content. To try it out yourself, refer to Web Content Developer Lab and corresponding Web Content Developer Lab Resources.