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Displaying content with Web Content Viewers

Display content from your web content system by adding a Web Content Viewer to the server where you want the content to show.

If your presentation is simple, a single Web Content Viewer can be sufficient. You can also use multiple Web Content Viewers to provide a richer experience for your users.

Depending on how you decide to deploy the servers in your environment, there are different ways to render content:

  • You can install a Web Content Viewer locally on the same portal server where Web Content Manager is installed.
  • You can install the viewer remotely on a different portal server.

  • Adding a Web Content Viewer Portlet
    Add a Web Content Viewer Portlet to a page with the site toolbar.

  • Creating a web content page
    A web content page is a page that is associated to one or more site areas in HCL Web Content Manager. You can create a web content page from a web content template page, or you can convert an existing DX page into a web content page.