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Getting started with delivering web content on a DX page

The building blocks for delivering web content in a portal are web content viewers, web content page templates, and content mappings. These pieces provide a flexible framework that you can use to quickly assemble pages.

To help you get started, sample web content is also included in preinstalled libraries. The sample content demonstrates how the pieces work, and you can also adapt the sample content for your own use.

  • Web Content Viewers
    Web Content Viewers are portlets that render content from a web content library as part of a DX page. If your presentation is simple, a single viewer can be sufficient. To provide a richer experience for your users, use multiple viewers to aggregate content from different libraries.
  • Web content pages and templates
    Web content pages are DX pages that are associated with content that is managed in HCL Web Content Manager. Similar to web content pages, web content templates are page templates that are associated with content in Web Content Manager.
  • Web content associations
    Web content associations are used to combine DX pages and associated web content items that are managed by HCL Web Content Manager so they can be managed and rendered consistently. Web content associations map DX pages to the site structure in the HCL Web Content Manager system.
  • Creating content with sample web content template items
    To illustrate how page templates, web content viewers, and content associations work together, HCL Web Content Manager provides sample web content. The sample content includes examples of web content template pages and predefined portlets that you can add to pages to render content.
  • Link examples for Web Content Viewers
    Web Content Viewers can broadcast and receive links to communicate with other viewers. Depending on the link settings that you use with the viewers, the behavior of the viewers can be different. These examples demonstrate how different broadcast and receive settings can affect what a viewer renders.