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How to manage syndicators and subscribers

Syndication is used to transport data from one instance of HCL Web Content Manager to another.

Video: Setting Up HCL Digital Experience Syndication

  • Creating a syndication relationship by using the Administration view
    You can set up HCL Digital Experience syndication by using the Administration Portlets or the command line.
  • Syndicator settings
    The syndicator view is used to enter details of the server that is subscribing to the syndicator, and display subscription and syndication information.
  • Subscriber settings
    This subscriber view is used to enter details of the syndicator that is being subscribed to, and display subscription and syndication information.
  • Manually syndicating items
    Although syndication is configured to run automatically by default, from time to time you might need to manually update syndication.
  • Monitoring syndication
    After you set up a syndication relationship, you can monitor the progress of the data replication between syndicators and subscribers for details.
  • Delegated access for syndication
    After you set up a syndication relationship, you can allow users with Editor access to administer syndication.
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