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Extend Web Content Manager

HCL DX Web Content Manager offers several facilities for developers, which allows you to extend the capabilities of the product.

What is it For?

APIs provided by HCL DX enable developers to access most of the web content features of HCL DX. This means that they can write applications to manage content from outside of DX, or they can integrate content into their applications. An example of this would be a mobile application built with Volt MX that uses HCL DX web content so that non-technical users can update the content without recompiling the app.

Additionally, developers can extend the capability of HCL DX. Some information about that is given in this section, but other extension points such as WCM tags and custom workflow actions are described elsewhere.

Who Should Use It?

This information is primarily aimed at developers who either want to integrate web content or web content capabilities into their applications, or who want to extend HCL DX.