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Associated content on your page

Web content associations combine portal pages with content that is stored in web content libraries. The content explorer provides you with a quick way to see your content associations, manage these associations, and switch content associations.

For example, you might create translated versions of your content items. Rather than placing all translated versions in the same web content library, you might create a library for each language that you support. Within your library, you can use site areas to further organize your content.

Explore associated content

Screen capture of the content explorer for a page, with the Associated Content menu opened.

  1. Site area name in tree view of site manager

    From the tree view, you can visually see that you have content associations. The site area name is visible from the tree view by your page name.

  2. View a list of content associations for the selected page in site manager

    • From content explorer, you can click the Associated Content drop-down menu to see a list of content associations for your page.

    • For each association in your list, you can view the library name, along with the site area name.

    • For the selected association, the site area that displays in your associated content list is the same site area name that displays from the tree view.

    • If your page does not have any associated content, you do not see the Associated Content menu.

  3. Manage associations and view site area details

    • Select an association to change the content items that display on your page. Click Manage Associations to add associations to the page.

    • If you are a developer, your access includes the ability to edit site areas for content authors from the Associated Content menu.