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Portlets for adding dynamic elements to static pages

If you want to add dynamic elements such as portal navigation to your static pages, you can use portlets that the portal provides.

HCL Digital Experience (DX) provides the following portlets for static pages. These portlets are included in a default portal installation. You can address them by using their unique names.

  • Navigation portlet

    The Navigation portlet adds portal navigation to a page. When writing a static portal page you can configure the starting point of the navigation and the number of navigation levels by using the initialization parameters.

  • Breadcrumb Trail portlet

    The Breadcrumb Trail portlet adds the path from the content root down to the currently selected static page.

  • Page List portlet

    The Page List portlet adds an arbitrary list of links to pages to a static page.

For more details about these portlets and how you can use them refer to the following topics.

  • The Navigation portlet
    The Navigation portlet allows you to add dynamic portal navigation to a static page. When writing a static portal page you can configure the starting point of the navigation and the number of navigation levels by using the initialization parameters.
  • The Breadcrumb Trail portlet
    The Breadcrumb Trail portlet allows you to add the navigation path to your static pages. The breadcrumb trail starts at the content root and goes down to the currently selected static page.
  • The SPA Resource Addressability portlet
    The SPA Resource Addressability portlet allows you to add a dynamically computed list of links to portal resources to a static page. This list is produced dynamically via a POCURI (Piece Of Content URI).