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Implementing drag and drop site areas

By default, only web content items can be drag and dropped from the toolbar. You can use a keyword to implement the same behavior with site areas.

To enable a site area to be drag and drop ready from the toolbar, you need to add a keyword to the profile of a site area to enable this behavior.

Before doing so, you must enable profiling for site areas: See Running the profile enablement tool for details.

After you have enabled profiling for site areas, you are ready to make a site area drag and drop ready.

  1. Open the applications menu and go to Content > Web Content Management.

  2. Open a site area in edit mode.

  3. Go to the Properties tab and open the Profiling section.

  4. Enter the following text in the keyword field: ibm.portal.toolbar.NewContent, ibm.portal.toolbar.draggable

Content authors can then drag and drop the site area from the Page Components view in the toolbar to create a copy of the site area and its children.