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Search Scopes and Custom Links

From Search Scopes, you can modify, add, edit, or delete search scopes and custom links. The search scopes are displayed to users as search options in the menu list of the search box in the banner and in the Search Center portlet. Users can select the scope relevant for their search queries.

You can configure scopes by one of the following ways:

  • One or more search locations, or content sources.
  • Document features or characteristics, such as the document type.

HCL includes the following scopes:

  • All Sources

    This scope includes documents with all features from all content sources in the search.

  • Managed Web Content

    This scope restricts the search to sites that were created by Web Content Manager.

You can add your own custom search scopes and an icon for search scope. Your icons are placed in the list of scopes. You can also add new custom links to search locations. This custom link includes links in the selection menu for search options.