Adding a custom link

You can add custom links to allow direct searches from web search engines, such as Google or Yahoo.

  1. Click New Custom Link to display the New Custom Link page. Enter the data in the fields and select from the available options.

  2. Set the status of the custom link to Active to make the link available to users.

  3. Enter a name for the new custom link. The name must be unique within the current portal or virtual portal.

  4. Enter the URL to the target web search engine for the new custom link. This field is mandatory. Be careful to use the correct format for the URL, as the user queries are appended to the URL. For the correct web interface syntax, refer to the help documentation of the target search engine. In some cases, it might be possible to determine the web interface syntax as follows:

    1. Perform a search with some distinctive search text on the target search engine.

      For example, an unusual name.

    2. Review the browser URL field and locate your search string. The part of the URL that precedes your search string is likely to be the Link URL for your target search engine.

    3. If your search string is not at the end of the URL, it might be helpful to edit the URL and experiment with different versions with a search string added.

      The following are examples for web interface syntax:

      • For Google:
      • For Yahoo:
  5. Enter the URL location where the portal can find the icon that you want to be displayed with the new custom link. Click Check icon path to ensure that the icon is available at the URL you specified.


    To set names for the custom link, you must create and save the link first. Then, locate the custom link on the list, and edit the link by clicking the Edit icon. The option for setting names in the other locales is available only on the Edit Custom Link page.