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Uninstalling HCL Digital Experience does not delete search collections

When you uninstall HCL Digital Experience, the directories and files for the search collections are not deleted. Therefore, before you uninstall HCL Digital Experience, delete all search collections by selecting the collections individually and clicking the option Delete Collection. If you do not delete them, these files and directories remain on the hard disk drive. If you want to delete the search collection data after uninstalling HCL Digital Experience, you need to delete these files and directories manually.

The directory path of a search collection is determined by what you typed in the field Location of Collection when you created the search collection. You can look up the collection location by doing the following steps:

  1. To open the Manage Search portlet, click the Administration menu icon. Then, click Search Administration > Manage Search.
  2. Click Search Collections.
  3. Select the collection from the Search Collections box.
  4. The collection location is shown in the list under Search collection status information.