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CSS class hierarchy for social lists

To define its visual appearance, the default markup for social lists uses several CSS classes. They are defined in the wp_social_rendering_85 theme module. Learn about the purpose of the most important CSS classes.

CSS class Purpose
srComponent This class is a top-level wrapper class that is set around the whole list.
srSimple This class is a wrapper class that is set around the whole list in simple design within an srComponent container.
srComprehensive This class is a wrapper class that is set around the whole list in comprehensive design within an srComponent container.
srTable This class is set on the table that contains the list entries as row elements.
srLeftColumn This class is set on the table cell that contains the entry icon.
srMainColumn This class is set on the table cell that contains the entry title and metadata.
srCountIcons This class is set on list items for the Likes and Comments icon.
srLikeIcon This class is set on list item for the number of Likes.
srCommentIcon This class is set on list item for the number of Comments.
srShareIcon This class is set on list item for access control status.
srMetaData This class is a wrapper class that is set on container for date and tags metadata.
srMetaDate This class is set on the date container of the entry.
srMetaTags This class is set on the tags container of the entry.
srSummary This class is set on the summary container of the entry.
srSocialBar This class is set on the Social Bar component in each entry.
srRepliesList This class is set on the outside container of the list of replies.
srViewSocialObject This class is set on the part of a Social Bar that contains the View link.
srReply* All classes that are used for styling replies in the forum topic details view are prefixed with srReply.

By using the CSS classes shown in this table, you can build specific rules to style every aspect of a social list entry individually. In the sr_wptheme.css style file, you can find a number of CSS rules that are used as overrides for basic CSS definitions on narrow and thin columns. To identify a narrow or thin column in the HCL Portal default Portal 8.5 theme, use CSS rules like the following one:

   .wpthemeThin   .lotusui30 .srComponent .srSimple .srEntryTitle,
   .wpthemeNarrow .lotusui30 .srComponent .srSimple .srEntryTitle {
       font-size: 0.63em;

Columns with the wpthemeThin CSS rule assigned to them are even smaller than columns with wpthemeNarrow assigned to them. If you want to define separate styles for narrow and thin columns, you can use the following CSS rules. The following code sample sets a smaller font size for the entry title on narrow columns and an even smaller font size for thin columns:

   .wpthemeNarrow .lotusui30 .srComponent .srSimple .srEntryTitle {
       font-size: 0.63em;

   .wpthemeThin .lotusui30 .srComponent .srSimple .srEntryTitle {
       font-size: 0.58em;