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Creating a copy of your theme

You can quickly copy an existing theme when you select the Copy option from the Theme Manager.

When you copy an existing theme, the system automatically titles the copied theme with the name of the existing theme and the word "copy." For example, the copy of the existing theme "My Theme" would be titled "My Theme copy."

When you copy an existing theme, the system defines a system name for the copied theme. The system name is used for the WebDAV path, the theme unique name, and the skin unique name. By default, the theme title is used as the system name unless one of the following conditions is true:

  • Invalid characters are used

    If invalid characters are used in the title, a new field appears that displays the system name with all invalid characters replaced by underscores. You can overwrite that system name by entering a new system name with no invalid characters.

  • The system name already exists

    If the system name already exists on the server, a new field appears in which you can enter a unique system name. The dialog checks whether the new unique system name that you enter is available.

After you enter a system name that is unique and includes only valid characters, click Copy to begin copying the selected theme.