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Attaches marketing information to Portal resources such as portal pages, portlets, or web content items. Reads the analytics tags that are associated with an identifiable portal resource.

For more information, see Analytics tags and site promotions


  • get(objectid)

    Determines the list of analytics tags for the portal resource with the given objectID.


    <c:forEach items="${wp.analyticsTagList[wp.identification[wp.selectionModel.selected]]}" var="current">    
         <span class="asa.tag.<c:out value='${}'/>"><c:out value='${current.value}' /></span> 


    • objectid

      An ObjectID, or Identifiable object to locate the resource; must not be null.

    Returns: A list containing AnalyticsTag objects. You can use the forEach JSTL tag to iterate through the returned list.