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Extends UrlGeneration on a page. All the UrlGeneration attributes are available in addition to these attributes.


  • setLayoutNode(node)

    This attribute indicates the ID or unique name of the control that holds the portlet. The value wp.currentSelectedPortlet can be used inside a control when you generate a URL to the portlet within that control.


    ${wp.navigationModel['ibm.portal.Search Center'].urlGeneration.setLayoutNode('ibm.portal.Search Center Portlet Window').allowRelativeURL.setActionParam('javax.portlet.action','newQuery')}


    • node

      String or Identifiable; defines the control to be used as a target for the URL.

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet; a URL generation object for portlet URLs.

  • setPortlet(portlet)

    This attribute indicates the ID or unique name of the control that holds the portlet. The value wp.currentSelectedPortlet can be used inside a control when you generate a URL to the portlet within that control.


    ${wp.navigationModel['ibm.portal.Search Center'].urlGeneration.setPortlet('ibm.portal.Search Center Portlet Window').allowRelativeURL.setActionParam('javax.portlet.action','newQuery')}


    • node

      String or Identifiable; defines the control to be used as a target for the URL.

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet; a URL generation object for portlet URLs.

  • autoSelectPortlet

    This attribute automatically selects the first portlet on the page and addresses this as the target for the portlet URL.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet; a URL generation object for portlet URLs.