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Extends UrlGeneration in a portlet. All the UrlGeneration and UrlGenerationPage attributes are available in addition to these attributes.


  • view

    This attribute sets the portlet mode VIEW.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • help

    This attribute sets the portlet mode HELP.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • edit

    This attribute sets the portlet mode EDIT.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • editDefaults

    This attribute sets the portlet mode EDIT_DEFAULTS.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • configure

    This attribute sets the portlet mode CONFIGURE.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • render

    This attribute generates URLs to a standard portlet's render processing method. If this attribute is omitted, the render method of the portlet is called.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • action

    This attribute generates URLs to a standard portlet's action processing method. If this attribute is omitted, the render method of the portlet is called.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • resource

    This attribute generates URLs to a standard portlet's resource processing method. If this attribute is omitted, the render method of the portlet is called.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • maximized

    This attribute sets the window state MAXIMIZED.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • minimized

    This attribute sets the window state MINIMIZED.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • normal

    This attribute sets the window state NORMAL.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • solo

    This attribute sets the window state SOLO.

    Note: The portlet must be able to exist in solo state that uses the createReturnURI() method. If a portlet without this method is placed in solo state, then users must log out or close their browser windows to return to the portal.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • setRenderParam

    Use this attribute to add render parameters to the URL. Parameters are not visible to standard portlets if the URL does not point specifically to that portlet.




    • name

      String; the name of the parameter.

    • value

      String; the value of the parameter.

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.

  • setActionParam

    Use this attribute to add action parameters to the URL. Parameters are not visible to standard portlets if the URL does not point specifically to that portlet.




    • name

      String; the name of the parameter.

    • value

      String; the value of the parameter.

    Returns: UrlGenerationPortlet, which is the same object, so multiple method calls can be concatenated.