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The NavigationSelectionModel provides access to a selection model for a navigation model. The selection model is the navigation model from the perspective of the currently selected page, from which you can get to the selected page's ancestors and descendents.


  • children(node)

    Returns an iterator of child nodes.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.selectionModel.children[wp.identification[wp.selectionModel.selected]]}">


    • node

      Identifiable, or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: An iterator with NavigationNode objects; it is never null.

  • hasChildren

    Determines whether the specified NavigationNode has associated nodes.




    • node

      Identifiable, or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: Boolean; true if the node has children. Otherwise, it is false.

  • parent

    Access to the parent of a NavigationNode.




    • node

      Identifiable or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: LayoutNode; the parent node for the node if there is a parent. Otherwise, it is null.

  • path(node)

    Provides access to the path information for the node. The path represents the hierarchy from the root to the give node as a list. It is like a breadcrumb.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.selectionModel.path[wp.selectionModel.selected]}">
        &lt;- ${node}


    • node

      Identifiable or NavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: a list of LayoutNodes representing the path from the root to the node.

  • root

    Returns the root node of the layout model.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: NavigationNode; it is never null.

  • selected

    Returns the currently rendered page.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: NavigationNode.