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Represents a navigation node in a navigation model.


  • contentNode

    Returns the content node that is associated with the navigation node.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: ContentNode. It is never null.

  • description

    The description of the navigation node.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Description object for the navigation node; it is never null. You can use the value of the title object to retrieve the description in current locale.

  • isPrivate

    Determines whether the current node is private.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Boolean, true if the page is private, otherwise false.

  • metadata

    The metadata map of this navigation node.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Metadata, never null.

  • moduleList

    Returns the module list for the currently selected page and theme.


    <c:forEach var="node"items="${wp.selectionModel.selected.moduleList}">   
    <c:forEach var="node"items="${wp.navigationModel.selected.moduleList}">   

    Parameters: none

    Returns: CurrentModuleList, never null.

  • objectID

    Returns the ObjectID associated with this navigation node.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: ObjectID. Never null.

  • profileRef

    Returns the profile reference for the page. If it is empty or null, the default theme profile reference is used.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: String, the profile reference within the theme. It can be null if you are using a non-modularized theme.

  • projectID

    Returns the project identifier that is associated with this navigation node, or null of no project is associated.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: String representing the associated project. It can be null if no project is associated.

  • themeID

    Returns the set theme ID for the page. If it is not set for the page, this function returns the inherited theme or default system theme.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: ObjectID of the referenced theme. Never null.

  • title

    The title of this navigation node.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Title associated with the current object.

  • url

    Short hand for urlGeneration that returns a string and cannot be manipulated any further.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: String; the URL pointing to this page.

  • urlGeneration

    Creates a portal URL you can control with attributes. The URL attributes can be set by using further methods on the UrlGeneration object as shown in the examples section.


    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.autoNavigationalState}">NavState depends on configuration</a>

    More examples:

    <c:set var="node" value="${wp.selectionModel.selected}"/>
    <a href="${node.url}">Simple URL, no modifications possible</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration}">Simple URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.keepNavigationalState}">With NavState</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.noNavigationalState}">Without NavState</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setThemeTemplate('Plain')}">With ThemeTemplate</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.forcePublic}">Public Link</a>
    <a href="${}">Secure Link</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setLocale('de')}">In Deutsch</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setParam('a','b')}">With Params</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setParam('a','b').setParam('c','d').forcePublic.setLocale('de').setThemeTemplate('Plain')}">
    Complex URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.logout}">Logout</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.login}">Login</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.normalize}">Normalized URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.allowRelativeURL}">Relative URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.disallowRelativeURL}">Disallow Relative URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.forceAbsolute}">Absolute URL</a>
    <c:set var="node" value="${wp.navigationModel.selected}"/>
    <a href="${node.url}">Simple URL, no modifications possible</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration}">Simple URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.keepNavigationalState}">With NavState</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.noNavigationalState}">Without NavState</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setThemeTemplate('Plain')}">With ThemeTemplate</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.forcePublic}">Public Link</a>
    <a href="${}">Secure Link</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setLocale('de')}">In Deutsch</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setParam('a','b')}">With Params</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.setParam('a','b').setParam('c','d').forcePublic.setLocale('de').setThemeTemplate('Plain')}">
    Complex URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.logout}">Logout</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.login}">Login</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.normalize}">Normalized URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.allowRelativeURL}">Relative URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.disallowRelativeURL}">Disallow Relative URL</a>
    <a href="${node.urlGeneration.forceAbsolute}">Absolute URL</a>

    Parameters: none

    Returns: UrlGenerationPage; the URL object pointing to this page