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Provides access to the attributes of one theme.


  • description

    The description of the theme.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Description object for the theme node; it is never null. You can use the value of the title object to retrieve the description in current locale.

  • metadata

    The metadata map of this theme.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Metadata, never null.

  • profiles

    Represents the profile list of this theme.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: ProfileList, it is never null.

  • themeTemplateURI

    Represents the URI pointing to the theme template that is configured for the current page that is rendered.


    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="r" %>
    <r:dataSource uri='spa:${wp.identification[${wp.selectionModel.selected}]}' escape="none">
        <r:param name="themeURI" value="${wp.themeList.current.themeTemplateURI}"/>
        <r:param name="mime-type" value="text/html"/>

    Parameters: none

    Returns: The URI pointing to the theme template that is configured for the current page that is rendered.

    Exception: This attribute works for the current theme and current page that is rendered only.

  • title

    The title of this theme.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: Title object for the theme node; it is never null. You can use the value of the title object to retrieve the title in current locale.