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By default, the uiNavigationModel lists only visible pages as part of its iterator. When the Show Hidden Pages option is selected in the Toolbar, it also lists the hidden pages. There is a mobile hidden flag for pages. The model also helps you specify a mobile test device class expression, which is used to evaluate if the system is rendered as part of a mobile request.


  • children(node)

    Returns an iterator of child nodes.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${uiNavigationModel.children[wp.selectionModel.selected]}" >
        <c:out value="${node}" /><br>


    • node

      Identifiable, or uiNavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: An iterator with uiNavigationNode objects; it is never null.

  • get(id)

    Get an individual navigation node.




    • id

      String or Identifiable object to look up the navigation object; it must not be null.

    Returns: uiNavigationNode; it can be null if not found.

  • hasChildren

    Determines whether the specified uiNavigationNode has associated nodes.




    • node

      Identifiable, or uiNavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: Boolean; true if the node has children. Otherwise, it is false.

  • parent

    Access to the parent of a uiNavigationNode.




    • node

      Identifiable or uiNavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: uiNavigationNode; the parent node for the node if there is a parent. Otherwise, it is null.

  • path(node)

    Provides access to the path information for the node. The path represents the hierarchy from the root to the give node as a list. It is like a breadcrumb.


    <c:forEach var="node" items="${uiNavigationModel.path[wp.selectionModel.selected]}">
        &lt;- ${node}


    • node

      Identifiable or uiNavigationNode object to look up the children; it must not be null.

    Returns: a list of uiNavigationNodes representing the path from the root to the node.

  • root

    Returns the root node of the uiNavigation model.



    Parameters: none

    Returns: uiNavigationNode; it is never null.