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Changing the logo action

You can change the default action of a logo to take users to different pages in your portal.

The default logo action takes users to your portal home page. The logo can complete three other actions:

  • The logo can take users to the first child page.
  • The logo can take users to another portal page with the unique ID of that page.
  • The logo can take users to another portal page with the vanity URL of that page.

  • Taking users to the first child page

    Remove the default code and replace it with the following code :

    <%-- Logo --%>
            <span class="wpthemeBranding">
            <portal-core:lazy-set var="showHiddenPages" elExpression=="wp.publicRenderParam['{}hiddenPages']" />
            <portal-logic:if deviceClass="smartphone/tablet">
                <c:set var="isMobile" value="true"/>
            <c:set var="homeNodeFound" value="false"/>
            <c:forEach var="node" items="${wp.navigationModel.children[selectionPath[1]]}" varStatus="childrenStatus">
              <c:set var="isHiddenPage" value="${node.metadata[''] || (isMobile && node.metadata[''])}" />
              <c:if test="${!homeNodeFound && (!isHiddenPage || showHiddenPages)}">
                <c:set var="nodeID" value="${wp.identification[node]}"/>
                <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">
                <img src="" alt="<portal-fmt:text key="theme.ibmLogo" bundle="nls.commonUI"/>">
                <span class="wpthemeAltText"><portal-fmt:text key="theme.ibmLogo" bundle="nls.commonUI"/></span>
                <c:set var="homeNodeFound" value="true"/>
  • Taking users to another portal page with its unique ID

    Remove the following line of default code:

    <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">

    Replace it with the following code snippet, where the value of contentNode is replaced with the unique name of the page:

    <portal-navigation:urlGeneration contentNode="ibm.portal.Home.Welcome" >
                <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="<% wpsURL.write(escapeXmlWriter); %>" alt="">
  • Taking users to another portal page with its vanity URL

    Remove the following line of default code:

    <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="?uri=nm:oid:${nodeID}" alt="<portal-fmt:out>${node.title}</portal-fmt:out>">

    Replace it with the following code snippet, where host, port, and contextroot are substituted with your actual values and where Home is replaced with the vanity URL of your page:

    <a class="wpthemeBrandingLink" href="http://host:port/contextroot/vanityurl/Home" alt="">