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Configure Networking

This section explains what must be configured from a networking perspective to get HCL Digital Experience 9.5 running in your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, and to provide accessibility to your deployment from outside the Cluster.

Full Kubernetes or OpenShift deployment

If you deploy both Core and all other applications inside OpenShift or Kubernetes, this section shows you what needs to be configured.

Core host

In a full deployment, the host for both the Core and the other applications are the same.

It is recommended to configure the host before you run the deployment. This is only possible if you know the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the IP address that the HAProxy assigns in your deployment beforehand.

If that is the case, define the host using the following syntax:

# Networking specific configuration
  # Networking configuration specific to Core
    # Host of Core
    host: ""

If you do not know the hostname beforehand, you can leave it blank and run an additional step later in the installation, which would retrieve the assigned hostname from HAProxy and configure all applications accordingly.

Configure Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

The HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Helm Chart allows you to configure CORS configuration for all the addon to Core applications such as Digital Asset Management or Ring API. This allows you to access the APIs provided by those applications in other applications with ease.

You can define a list of allowed hosts for a specific application using the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml:

# Networking specific configuration
  # Networking configurations specific to all addon applications
      # CORS Origin configuration for Content Composer, array of elements
      - ""
      - ""

Refer to the HCL DX 9.5 values.yaml detail for all possible applications that can be configured.

Hybrid host

Configuring Hybrid Host

In a Hybrid deployment, the host for the on-premise DX Core will be added in the core configuration section and the other applications host will be placed under the add-on section. See the following example:

  # Networking configuration specific to Core
    # Host of Core, must be specified as a FQDN
    # If you are running hybrid, you need to specify the FQDN of the on-premise Core 
    # Example:
    host: ""
    port: 10042
    contextRoot: "wps"
    personalizedHome: "myportal"
    home: "portal"
    # Host of the addon applications
    # If you are not running hybrid, you can leave this value empty to use relative hostnames 
    # If you are running hybrid, you need to specify the FQDN of the Kubernetes 
    # Example:
    host: ""
    # Port of the addon applications
    # If you are running hybrid, you can specify a port
    # If left empty, no specific port will be added to the host
    port: 443
    # Setting if SSL is enabled for addon applications
    # If you are running hybrid, make sure to set this accordingly to the Kubernetes 
    deployment configuration
    # Will default to true if not set    
    ssl: true

Please refer to the original values.yaml for all available applications that can be configured. See the Planning your container deployment using Helm topic for details.

Setting the add-on host is required for all hybrid deployments. Given the default use of relative hostnames, you must set an absolute FQDN for hybrid deployments. API calls must still point to one absolute hostname to avoid authentication issues when making requests. With that, it is not supported to configure your HCL DX environment to support multiple hostnames if you are running a hybrid deployment. See Hybrid Deployment Installation for more details.

Configure HAProxy certificate

For HAProxy to allow forward requests to your applications, you must provide it with a TLS Certificate. This certificate is used for incoming/outgoing traffic from the outside of the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster to your applications. HAProxy performs TLS offloading.

Configure HAProxy networking

HAProxy is deployed with a LoadBalancer type service to handle the incoming traffic as well as the SSL offloading for HCL Digital Experience. In addition, the Helm deployment offers adjustability for HAProxy and its services to allow for more flexible deployment and use of custom Ingress Controllers.

Parameter Description Type Default value
ssl Enable or disable SSL offloading in HAProxy. Depending on this setting, HAProxy handles either HTTP or HTTPS traffic. Boolean true
serviceType Defines the Kubernetes ServiceType of the HAProxy service. Supported ServiceType includes LoadBalancer, ClusterIP and NodePort LoadBalancer | ClusterIP | NodePort LoadBalancer
servicePort This value is used to select the port exposed by the HAProxy service. Defaults to port 443 if ssl is set to true, otherwise, port 80 is used. Number null
serviceNodePort This value is used to select the node port exposed by the HAProxy service. Defaults to a port selected by Kubernetes if no value is set. Number null
strictTransportSecurity.enabled This value is used for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to determine if it should be enabled. When enabled, this value requires SSL in DX or any proxy in front of the SSL. Boolean true
strictTransportSecurity.maxAge This value is used to set for how long the browser should remember the HSTS rule Number 31536000
strictTransportSecurity.includeSubDomains If this optional parameter is specified, this rule applies to all of the site's subdomains as well. Boolean false
strictTransportSecurity.preload See Preloading Strict Transport Security for details. When using preload, the max-age directive must be at least 31536000 (1 year), and the includeSubDomains directive must be present. This parameter is not part of the HSTS specification. For more information, see Strict-Transport-Security HTTP Response Header Field. Boolean false
sessionCookieName Available starting CF221. This parameter does not directly change the cookie name. Instead, you must set this value if the cookie name is changed in the console. String JSESSIONID


If ssl is set to true, HAProxy will use the certificate that is supplied as a secret in networking.tlsCertSecret.

  # Networking configurations specific to HAProxy
    # Configuration to enable/disable ssl offloading in HAProxy
    ssl: true
    # Configuration to set the service type for the HAProxy service. Supported values are "ClusterIP", "LoadBalancer", and "NodePort"
    serviceType: "LoadBalancer"
    # Configuration to set the port exposed by the HAProxy Service. If the port is not set, then port 80 is used if SSL offloading is disabled, and port 443 if SSL offloading is enabled.
    # Only applies for the "NodePort" serviceType. Configuration to set the NodePort exposed by the HAProxy service. If this is not set, a port is automatically selected by Kubernetes
    # HTTP Strict Transport Security(HSTS)
      enabled: true
      maxAge: 31536000
      includeSubDomains: false
      preload: false
    # Set cookie value for session affinity in HAProxy configuration for DX applications that require session affinity (e.g. HAProxy)
    sessionCookieName: "JSESSIONID"

This configuration is helpful for those who want to use a custom Ingress Controller to expose the service in a compatible way. Even then, HAProxy will still be active. The Ingress Controller will handle the incoming traffic and then route them to the HAProxy service.

Generate self-signed certificate

It is recommended that you use a properly signed certificate for HAProxy. However, it is also possible to create and use a self-signed certificate, for example, for staging or testing environment.

Creation of that certificate can be achieved using the following commands for OpenSSL:

# Creation of a private key
openssl genrsa -out my-key.pem 2048

# Creation of a certificate signed by the private key created before
openssl req -x509 -key my-key.pem -out my-cert.pem -days 365 -subj '/CN=my-cert'

This provides you with a key and cert file that can be used in the next step, creation of the certificate to your deployment.

Use certificate

Create secret

To have your deployment and HAProxy to use the certificate, you must store it in the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster as a secret.

The secret can be created using the following commands:


The secret name can be chosen by you and must be referenced in the next configuration step (the following example uses dx-tls-cert). The namespace is the Kubernetes namespace where you want to deploy HCL Digital Experience 9.5 to (the example uses digital-experience).

# Create secret with the name "dx-tls-cert"
# Secret will be created in the namespace "digital-experience"
# You can either reference the cert and key file created before, or a proper signed certificate e.g. from your CA
kubectl create secret tls dx-tls-cert --cert=my-cert.pem --key=my-key.pem -n digital-experience 

Configure secret in deployment

You need to make sure that the reference to the secret is set up correctly in your custom-values.yaml. Otherwise, HAProxy cannot answer HTTPS requests due to a missing certificate.

You can set the name of the certificate used with the following syntax, the default value is dx-tls-cert:

# Networking specific configuration
  # TLS Certificate secret used for haproxy
  tlsCertSecret: "dx-tls-cert"


Verify you have entered the correct name.

OpenShift Passthrough

Previous versions of the Helm chart had an openShiftPassthrough value that created an OpenShift Route resource automatically. This is deprecated and removed and from CF211, a Route resource must be created manually when required as part of the deployment.

Create the route resource manually

If you want to deploy OpenShift manually using Routes, you need to create a .yaml file like below and any changes required can be made in that. To apply those changes in the OpenShift cluster, you can run kubectl apply and specify its namespace and location. For more information, refer to the OpenShift Route Configuration documentation.

In some versions of OpenShift, by default, sticky sessions for passthrough Routes are enabled in OpenShift using the source (IP) as identifier. To make sure traffic gets forwarded to all DX HAProxy Pods even when another proxy is used in front of it, the Route should be annotated as shown in the example below. Please refer to the OpenShift documentation to select the appropriate value for your deployment.

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Route"
    # By default, OpenShift applies load balancing and sticky sessions are routed to the same Pod depending on the source IP.
    # This should be disabled to leverage all DX HAProxy Pods when another proxy is used in front of DX. roundrobin
  name: "<helm-deployment-name>-passthrough"
    targetPort: "haproxy"
    insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: "Redirect"
    termination: "passthrough"
    kind: "Service"
    name: "<helm-deployment-name>-haproxy"
    weight: 100
  wildcardPolicy: "None"

<helm-deployment-name> must be replaced with the name of the deployed Helm release.

Configuring Content-Security-Policy Frame Options

The HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Helm Chart allows you to configure Content Security Policy: frame-ancestors for DX Core and all other components, such as Digital Asset Management, Ring API, etc.

Setting cspFrameAncestorsEnabled to true adds content-security-policy: frame-ancestor 'self' headers to the responses, enabling you to frame DX and other add-on applications.

There is also an option to specify allowed URLs that can frame your application using the cspFrameAncestorAllowedSourceURLs property. Using this property is a way to mitigate clickjacking attacks. For more information, see: Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet.

You can define a list of allowed URLs for a specific application using the following syntax in your custom-values.yaml. This example uses contentComposer, but the same applies for other applications:

# Networking specific configuration
  # Networking configurations specific to all addon applications
      # Enables/Disables CSP frame-ancestor header
      # Note: 'self' is always added when this is enabled to enable DX internal features
      # see:
      cspFrameAncestorsEnabled: false
      # Add list of allowed source URLS to the the CSP frame-ancestor header this will only reflect if cspFrameAncestorsEnabled is set to true
      # Example:
      # cspFrameAncestorsAllowedSourceURLs:
      #   - ''
      # This would result to the following response header:
      # content-security-policy: frame-ancestors 'self'
      cspFrameAncestorsAllowedSourceURLs: []        

Refer to the HCL DX 9.5 values.yaml detail for all possible applications that can be configured.

The HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Helm Chart allows you to configure SameSite Cookie Attribute for DX Core. This configuration sets the WASReqURL Cookie Attributes Secure and SameSite.


This should only be set in an HTTPS environment to prevent unwanted behaviors.

You can define the SameSite value in your custom-values.yaml:

# Networking specific configuration
    # None, Lax, Strict, or empty string
    # Setting this to an empty string would not add the SameSite attribute for WASReqURL cookie
    # Note: This should only be set in an HTTPS environment to prevent unwanted behaviours
    cookieSameSiteAttribute: ""

Refer to the HCL DX 9.5 values.yaml detail for all possible applications that can be configured.