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Using staging to production techniques to complete the migration

Choose this option if you want to use staging to production techniques to migrate from Portal Version on WebSphere® Application Server Version to HCL Digital Experience 8.5/9.5.

You can set up a staging server with a Portal and WebSphere Application Server installation, and use the staging to production tools to create a new environment that is based on the source environment.

  1. Install Portal and WebSphere Application Server on a staging server with the same operating system as the source server.

  2. Use the HCL Portal staging to production tools to deploy a stand-alone server that is based on the source server.

  3. Install the HCL Digital Experience 8.5/9.5 and WebSphere Application Server binary files on the target server.

  4. Access the Configuration Wizard on the target server, and click Migrate to a New Version > Migrate a Stand-alone Server.

  5. When you complete the migration of the stand-alone staging server, you can build it into a cluster if needed.

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