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Configuration Wizard: Reusable wizard selections

You can upload saved settings from a previous configuration to save time in customizing your values for this configuration. The Configuration Wizard provides you with an XML file with configuration settings when a workflow is created for download. This XML file contains environment information, preferences, information about your configuration goals, property values, and parameter values. If you saved your settings during a previous configuration, upload this XML file now.

After you upload the XML file, review the values and selections that you uploaded into the Configuration Wizard for this configuration. You might have updated saved settings from a similar but not identical configuration. For example, you might need to perform this configuration on a different operating system.

See examples of configuration settings that might change after you upload previously saved settings:

  • You must select the correct operating system in Step 1 Answer Questions if the target operating system for this configuration has changed.
  • You must change your database URL value in Step 2 Customize Values if you are using database software on a different system from your last configuration.

Updates to the Configuration Wizard are delivered in cumulative fixes. If you reuse saved settings from a previous cumulative fix or previous version, ensure that your values load correctly and display in the fields. If you see an empty field where you expected to see your value, add your value to the field and save your data again for a later configuration.

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