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Adjusting the DX Login flow for OIDC

Once you have configured WebSphere Application Server to act as an OpenID Connect Relying Party, this would allow HCL Digital Experience (DX) to trust authentication assertions towards your Identity Provider (IdP). Detailed steps are outlined in Updating WebSphere to support OIDC Authentication for DX.

This document provides instructions to adjust the user log in flow within DX. Whenever a user tries to access a protected resource, they will be redirected to IdPs log in page for authentication and asked to enter their credentials. After the user is authenticated successfully they are redirected back to DX.

Overview of configuration tasks

Follow the tasks to establish the configuration:

  1. Detaching the existing login option
  2. Creating the new IdP specific login option
  3. Validate everything is working as expected

Detaching the existing login option

First, detach the existing login option by changing its unique name:

  1. Navigate to the portal site https://<DX_HOSTNAME>/wps/portal and login as the admin user (wpsadmin:wpsadmin).
  2. Click the home icon dropdown to open the applications menu and click Administration.
  3. On the Administration page, expand the menu on the top left and navigate to Site Management > Pages.
  4. On the Manage Pages page, search for login (Search by: Title starts with; Search: login) to find the Login (wps.Login) page.
  5. Click the Edit Page Properties icon (first action in the row) to view the Edit page: Login configuration page.
  6. In the Unique Name field, edit the value and rename wps.Login to wps.Login.default.
  7. Click OK.

Creating the new Admin(file system) specific login option

Create a new login option that maps to /admin/login for the default Admin(file system) login:

  1. On the Manage Pages page, click the Select Page > Content Root > Hidden Pages (with Unique name/identifier ibm.portal.HiddenPages), and click the Edit Page Properties icon (first action in the row).
  2. Set the Friendly URL name field to admin or hidden and click OK.

Creating the new IdP specific login option

Create the new login option to map /wps/myportal for the users to access:

  1. On the Manage Pages page, click Select Page.
  2. Click the Content Root page > Home** page.
  3. Click New URL. On the next page, add the following values:
    1. Set Title to Login-IdP.
    2. Select the A link to a Web page with the following URL radio button.
    3. Set the URL to https://<DX_HOSTNAME>/wps/myportal.
    4. Click OK.
  4. On the Manage Pages page, select the Home page. Make sure you see the newly added Login-IdP URL. In the same row, click the Set Page Permission action.
  5. On the Resource Permissions page, find the User row and click the Edit Role action.
  6. Click Add.
  7. Check the Anonymous Portal User box and click OK. The Anonymous Portal User role now appears in the Resource Permissions panel.

Mapping the new IdP specific login

Follow the steps to update the unique name of the new IdP specific login page:

  1. On the left side navigation, go to Settings > Custom Unique Names and select the Pages resource type.
  2. Search for the Login-IdP page and click Edit unique name for Page in the respective row.
  3. In the Unique name field, set the value to wps.Login and click OK.

Testing the OIDC login flow

Follow the steps to test the OIDC login flow:

  1. Navigate to https://<DX_HOSTNAME>/wps/portal.
  2. Click Log in.
    • This redirects you to the IdP instance log in view
  3. Log in with an existing user and password.
    • You are redirected back to DX and logged in as the correct user.