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Deploying list-rendering profiles

You can choose between two ways of deploying your custom list-rendering profiles.

  • You can deploy a list-rendering profile by creating all entries that are contained in the list-rendering profile as custom properties in the WP List Rendering Profile Service resource environment provider in the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console.
  • You can implement a plug-in for the extension point with the ID These extensions can make multiple list-rendering profiles available to the Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal run time through the following method:

    This method is defined in the public Java API for the Digital Data Connector (DDC) for HCL Portal framework. With this approach, your plug-in returns the individual list-rendering profile entries as properties contained in java.util.Properties objects. By using this approach, you can package the required list-rendering profiles together with the DDC plug-in.

List-rendering profiles are cached by the DDC framework. After deploying a list-rendering profile, you must make the framework aware of changes to the list-rendering profile. To do so, either restart the portal or render the HCL Web Content Manager tag [Plugin:ListRenderingContext action="reloadProfiles"].