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Community Pages

Integrate HCL Connections Communities into your Portal site to enhance your portal's social collaboration capabilities.

You integrate Communities by associating a set of portal pages with a community. These types of portal pages are called Community Pages. By associating a set of portal pages with a community in HCL Connections, all of the HCL Connections portlets on those pages automatically render their content within the context of that community. One or more communities can be integrated into your portal site. You can associate different sets of pages in your portal site with the appropriate community. The community can be public, moderated, or private.


Before you add portlets to a community page, make sure that the corresponding widget exists in the community. For example, before you add a Blogs portlet to a community page, make sure that the HCL Connections community contains a blog. If not, add the Blogs widget to the HCL Connections community by using the browser interface.

The portlets on a Portal community page interact with an HCL Connections community in the following ways:

  • Clicking a View all link in a Profiles summary portlet displays a list of community members in the target portlet. This link works only if there is a Profiles detail portlet on the page.
  • Clicking the View all link in a Blogs summary portlet displays all entries in a community blog in the Blogs detail portlet on a community page.
  • Clicking the entry in a Blogs summary portlet displays the detail of that entry in the Blogs detail portlet on a community page.

Follow the steps for configuring and mapping community pages for your version of HCL Digital Experience.