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ConfigEngine extension points for the Solution Installer

Some ConfigEngine extension points are required when you install an application from a Portal Application Archive (PAA) file.

PAA directory Extension point name Description
Config   No extension points required
Database create-jdbc-provider-applySIFeaturePack Create the JDBC provider for Solution Installer
Database remove-jdbc-provider-removeSIFeaturePack Remove the JDBC provider for Solution Installer
Database create-j2c-auth-applySIFeaturePack Create J2C authentication alias
Database remove-j2c-auth-removeSIFeaturePack Remove J2C authentication alias
Database create-dataSource-applySIFeaturePack Create the datasource for Solution Installer
Database remove-dataSource-removeSIFeaturePack Remove the datasource for Solution Installer
Database create-database-applySIFeaturePack Runs script to create the database structures, e.g. db schema, tables buffers etc.
Database setup-database-applySIFeaturePack Runs script to populate the database with sample data
Database remove-database-removeSIFeaturePack Runs scripts to remove the database structures from the db, e.g. drops all tables.
Database create-cmp-connection-factory-applySIFeaturePack Creates cmp connection factory for container management. This extension point does not exist so it needs to be created.
Database remove-cmp-connection-factory-removeSIFeaturePack Removes cmp connection factory for container management. This extension point does not exist so it needs to be created.
JCR   No extension points available because this is custom code
JSP   No extension points available because this is custom code
Personalization create-personalisation-rules-applySIFeaturePack Creates the personalization rules for the library
Personalization remove-personalisation-rules-removeSIFeaturePack Currently not available.
WCM import-wcm-applySIFeaturePack Imports WCM Library
XMLAccess install-content-xmlaccess-applySIFeaturePack Runs XML install scripts in install/configure application
XMLAccess remove-content-xmlaccess-removeSIFeaturePack Run XML scripts to remove application
webdav Import-webdav-applySIFeaturePack Uploads WebDav artefacts to the HCL Digital Experience WebDav file system
EAR create-ear-applySIFeaturePack Installs EAR file
EAR remove-ear-removeSIFeaturePack Removes EAR file
Portlets deploy-portlets-applySIFeaturePack Deploy portlets from WAR file
Portlets remove-portlets-removeSIFeaturePack Removes portlets from portal
WAR Copy-war-files-applySIFeaturePack Copy war files to the Profile dir directory
WAR Delete-war-files-applySIFeaturePack Delete the war files copied across by the copy-warfiles extension point implementation
ZIP No extension points  
Shared No extension points  
App No extension points  
Common create-library-applySIFeaturePack Creates shared library
Common remove-library-removeSIFeaturePack Removes shared library
Common create-application-library-references-applySIFeaturePack Creates shared library references
Common remove-application-library-references-applySIFeaturePack Removes shared library references
Common create-app-server-library-references-applySIFeaturePack Adds shared library to server classpath
Common remove-app-server-library-references-applySIFeaturePack Removes shared library to server classpath
Ext No extension points  
Templates deploy-pages-applySIFeaturePack Deploys pages in this template
Templates remove-pages-applySIFeaturePack Removes pages in this template
Templates add-templates-applySIFeaturePack Installs template
Templates delete-templates-applySIFeaturePack Removes templates
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