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Using your portal as a WSRP Consumer

Learn about the tasks that you perform when you use your portal as a WSRP Consumer portal to consume remote portlets. You can consume portlets from a HCL Digital Experience or from a different WSRP Producer such as the IBM WSRP Version 2.0 Producer for IBM WebSphere Application Server.

  1. Information that the Consumer exchanges with the Producer
    Before a Consumer can consume portlets from a Producer, the Consumer needs specific information about the Producer. Depending on your configuration, you might also need to provide information about your Consumer portal to the Producer.
  2. Working with Producer definitions
    To make a WSRP Producer known to your Consumer portal, you create a Producer definition for that WSRP Producer in your Consumer portal. You can also configure the Producer definition.
  3. Consuming portlets in a Consumer portal
    After you create a Producer definition, you can proceed to consume the portlets that are provided by that Producer. This way, you integrate them into your Consumer portal as remote portlets.
  4. Customizing the WSRP configuration of your Consumer portal
    You can customize some aspects of you WSRP Consumer portal.