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Build and Deploy Script Applications

Execute the npm script dx-deploy-app, pre-set with the DX admin username and password.

Uploads via DXClient

=== "MacOS or Linux"

dxUsername=<username> dxPassword=<password> npm run dx-deploy-app 
=== "Windows"
dxUsername=<username> dxPassword=<password> npm run dx-deploy-app-win

Sample successful deployDxModule log:

     dxUsername=<username> dxPassword=<password> npm run dx-deploy-app 
         > sample-app@1.0.0 dx-deploy-app
         > dxclient deploy-Script Applicationlication push -dxUsername $dxUsername -dxPassword $dxPassword -wcmContentName "$npm_package_config_dxclient_wcmContentName" -wcmSiteArea "$npm_package_config_dxclient_wcmSiteArea" -mainHtmlFile $npm_package_config_dxclient_mainHtmlFile -contentRoot "$npm_package_config_dxclient_contentRoot" -dxProtocol $npm_package_config_dxclient_protocol -hostname $npm_package_config_dxclient_hostname -dxPort $npm_package_config_dxclient_port

         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : Begin content push to Portal.
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : WCM content ID: .
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : WCM Content Path: .
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : WCM Content Title: .
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : Main HTML file: index.html.
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : PrebuiltZip path does not exist.
         2022-08-19 22:57:36 : Archive file:

                 (13834 bytes in 4 files) 

         (node:31802) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.
         (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
         2022-08-19 22:57:39 : Content push was successful.
         2022-08-19 22:57:39 : End content push to Portal.
         2022-08-19 22:57:39 : Body content: {"results":{"status":"success","importedFiles":{"file":[{"filename":"HTML/index.html"},{"filename":"JavaScript/main.bfc69d9380a37f7c3db2.bundle.js"}]},"skippedFiles":"","message":"The file that you selected was imported successfully.","contentId":"8ce2958e-86b0-4700-b6f1-ef7542c10f86"}}. 

If there's a deployment error, check the DXClient logs in the <app-folder>/store/logs/logger.log file.

Add Application to a Page

  1. Prepare your target DX page that will host the Script Application. Follow this guide.
  2. Add the Script Application (matching the wcmContentName in the package.json config) into the target DX page. Follow this guide.