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Exporting your WCM library

Exporting Process

  1. Use the directory where you want to export as your base directory when running the commands.
  2. Export the Page Hierarchy xml by running the following command.

    # assumes other required parameters are already set via config file in store or via enviroment variables
    dxclient wcm-library-export \
       -dxUsername {DXUSERNAME} \
       -dxPassword {DXPASSWORD} \
       -dxConnectUsername {DXUSERNAME} \
       -dxConnectPassword {DXPASSWORD} \
       -dxWASUsername {DXUSERNAME} \
       -dxWASPassword {DXPASSWORD} \
       -librariesName {LIBRARYNAME} \
       -hostname $HOSTNAME \
       -dxProfileName $DXPROFILENAME \
       -hostname $HOSTNAME \
       -dxConnectPort $DXCONNECTPORT;
    :: assumes other required parameters are already set via config file in store or via enviroment variables
    dxclient wcm-library-export ^
       -dxUsername {DXUSERNAME} ^
       -dxPassword {DXPASSWORD} ^
       -dxConnectUsername {DXUSERNAME} ^
       -dxConnectPassword {DXPASSWORD} ^
       -dxWASUsername {DXUSERNAME} ^
       -dxWASPassword {DXPASSWORD} ^
       -librariesName {LIBRARYNAME} ^
       -hostname %HOSTNAME% ^
       -dxProfileName %DXPROFILENAME% ^
       -hostname %HOSTNAME% ^
       -dxConnectPort %DXCONNECTPORT%;

Notes on parameters:

  1. librariesName should be "{Library Name}".
  2. "Woodburn Insurance" if you are on Woodburn Insurance Demo
  3. Ensure to place your correct credentials in the {DXUSERNAME} and {DXPASSWORD}.


Find in your base directory the xml output in store/outputFiles/wcmLibrary (“The zip output file should look something like this:”). Move the exported zip to a different directory to ensure it would not be lost.

See more detailed information here.

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