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How to Deploy Theme

Deploy Theme

  1. Deploy your theme by running the following command.

    # assumes other required parameters are already set via config file in store or via enviroment variables
    dxclient deploy-theme \
       -xmlFile {INSTALLTHEME} \
       -themeName "{THEMENAME}" \
       -themePath {PATH/TO/YOUR/THEME/ZIP} \
       -dxUsername {DXUSERNAME} \
       -dxPassword {DXPASSWORD} \
       -dxConnectUsername {DXUSERNAME} \
       -dxConnectPassword {DXPASSWORD} \
       -hostname $HOSTNAME \
       -dxProtocol $DXPROTOCOL \
       -dxPort $DXPORT \
       -hostname $HOSTNAME \
       -dxProfileName $DXPROFILENAME
    :: assumes other required parameters are already set via config file in store or via enviroment variables
    dxclient deploy-theme ^
       -xmlFile {INSTALLTHEME} ^
       -themeName "{THEMENAME}" ^
       -themePath {PATH/TO/YOUR/THEME/ZIP} ^
       -dxUsername {DXUSERNAME} ^
       -dxPassword {DXPASSWORD} ^
       -dxConnectUsername {DXUSERNAME} ^
       -dxConnectPassword {DXPASSWORD} ^
       -hostname %HOSTNAME% ^
       -dxProtocol %DXPROTOCOL% ^
       -dxPort %DXPORT% ^
       -hostname %HOSTNAME% ^
       -dxProfileName %DXPROFILENAME%

    Notes on parameters:

    1. xmlFile should be pointing to your installTheme.xml which can be the one exported from here or the one mentioned in manual export.
      • "Woodburn Insurance/components/Woodburn Insurance/content/xmlaccess/install/installTheme.xml" if you are on Woodburn Insurance Demo
    2. themeName should be what is the theme name.
      • "Woodburn Insurance" if you are on Woodburn Insurance Demo
    3. themePath should be pointing to your exported theme zip which can be the one exported from here or the one mentioned in manual export.
      • This could be a uncompressed folder just like in the Woodburn Insurance Demo.
      • "Woodburn Insurance/components/Woodburn Insurance/content/webdav/themes/Woodburn Insurance" if you are on Woodburn Insurance Demo
    4. Ensure to place your correct credentials in the {DXUSERNAME} and {DXPASSWORD}.
  2. The output should look similar to this.

    2022-09-22 14:39:10 : Start to deploy theme in WebDav.
    (node:1) Warning: Setting the NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED environment variable to '0' makes TLS connections and HTTPS requests insecure by disabling certificate verification.
    (Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
    2022-09-22 14:39:10 : The theme Woodburn Insurance is available under WebDAV themes collection.
    2022-09-22 14:39:12 : WebDAV theme back up has been taken and placed in : store/outputFiles/themes/backup/webdav/Woodburn
    2022-09-22 14:39:15 : Files uploaded successfully to Woodburn Insurance under WebDAV themes collection.
    2022-09-22 14:39:19 : Export of the theme has been completed, Please refer this file for more details - store/outputFiles/themes/backup/xmlfile/Output-20220922143919.xml.
    2022-09-22 14:39:19 : Theme registration has been completed, Please refer this file for more details - store/outputFiles/themes/Output-20220922143919.xml.
    2022-09-22 14:39:19 : Deploy theme execution successful.
    2022-09-22 14:39:19 : 
    Theme WebDAV deployment successful.
    Theme Registration successful.
  3. Verify your theme by going to the Theme Manager and your theme should appear here. Verify Themes

See more detailed information here.

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