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Configure DAM extension to Google Vision API

Beginning with HCL Digital Experience 9.5 Container Update CF205, using a custom Digital Asset Management extension that provides integration with the Google Vision API, DX practitioners can leverage the integration to automate additional asset tagging to the DAM media item details. This feature can be used alongside traditional DAM asset tagging methods and can help content authors and marketing professionals to fine-tune the relevance of their DAM assets in search results for target audiences.


DAM Extensibility allows DAM to support user-defined custom renditions and configure transformations for assets. Additional operations such as keyword generation for images can be implemented by configuring plugins such as Google Vision. Image tagging simply requires setting keywords for the elements that are contained in a visual. It allows effective and direct search on the basis of preassigned keywords.

Architecture diagram for Google vision Plugin


  1. An entitlement to Google Vision API.
  2. Configuration of the Digital Asset Management extension capability to integrate with the Google Vision API image tagging is described in the following sections.

Google vision plugin configuration

Keywords can be generated for the images by configuring Google vision plugin provided out of the box, for the supported mime types.

Following configuration changes are required for generating image keywords by Google vision plugin:

  1. Generate API key for Vision API and provide the same for apiKey in 'values.yaml'

# Security configuration for dam-plugin-google-vision
    # Authentication key for Plugin API
    authenticationKey: "Key"
    # API key for Google vision
    apiKey: ""
2. Under plugin configuration, enable google-vision by setting the enable flag to true.

        url: http://RELEASE_NAME-dam-plugin-google-vision:DAM_HTTP_PORT/dx/api/google-vision/v0/googleVisionAI
        callBackHost: http://RELEASE_NAME-digital-asset-management:DAM_HTTP_PORT
        authKey: Key
        enable: true
            params: {}
            url: "/annotation"
3. In case, if keywords are to be generated for a specific mime type, copy the configurations to the custom values yaml and modify the supplemental stack.

        - name: Original
          transformationStack: []
          - plugin: google-vision
              annotation: {}
There are two configurations available in values.yaml for keyword generation.

- maxResults : Maximum number of keywords (default value is 25)
- confidencePercentage: Threshold confidence percentage for the keywords (default value is 60)

If the keywords generated by Google vision API with confidencePercentage greater than or equal to 60 (the configured confidence percentage), then the top 25 (configured maxResults) keywords would be sent by the Plugin to DAM.

    # Specifying 10 in maxResults will exactly return the same number of results, even though the Vision API might generate more than that
    maxResults: 25
    # The plugin would send back only the results which has confidence score more than or equal to the provided value
    confidencePercentage: 60
There are two types of keywords. Keywords generated by a plugin like Google vision are termed as Plugin-generated keywords and keywords added by the user are termed as User-defined keywords. To note, currently the differentiation isn't shown on UI yet.

API modifications

Introduced a new field keywordDetails which contains an array of keyword objects in GET /collection/collectionId/item/itemId. Each Keyword object contains

- keyword
- confidencePercentage: Percentage indicating how likely the image contains an object related to keyword according to the plugin (Empty in case of User-defined keyword)
- source : Name of the plugin used (userDefined in case of keyword added by user)

PATCH /collections/collectionId/items/itemId


Send either keywordDetails or keywords, but not both.

  keywordDetails: [
      keyword: "string"
  keywords: ["string"]

PUT /collections/collectionId/items/itemId

  keywordDetails: [
      keyword: "string"
  keywords: ["string"]

Callback-API request




Image size and resolution that are uploaded to Google vision have limitations. For more information, refer to Limitations.

Additional usage information for the extension capability

  1. When a DAM image is uploaded to a Collection, keywords are generated if the plugin for keyword auto-creation is enabled (In this case, to the Google Vision API and image tagging service).

  2. If the DAM image is replaced with another image, the original keywords generated are not removed. New keywords are generated by plugin for the new image will be appended to the existing keywords. The new keywords are not visible instantly (as these are being generated by background asynchronous process). To view the new keywords, refresh or navigate back to landing page and perform edit to see the newly appended keywords.

  3. Even if the initial image is restored, keywords of both images will be visible.

For additional information about the Google Vision API and image resource processing, see Google Vision documentation.